Forums - Team Maker: Mvc2 Show all 144 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Team Maker: Mvc2 ( Posted by Red Spiral on 06:27:2001 05:59 AM: Team Maker: Mvc2 Hey everyone. Red Spiral here. I'm here to help people make teams. I know a lot of you newbies need a good strong team to play in Mvc2 and I can help you make one. Basically, every team should have a good meter/point/anti-air. point/trap assist/anti-air. Most teams should either have a rushdown and or keep away tactic also. I can help you with your choice of the following characters: Sentinel Cable Magneto Storm Dr. Doom CapCom Psylocke Spiral Cyclops Blackheart Iron Man Strider Iceman If you don't like playing the above characters I can help you with these characters: Guile Ryu Ken Akuma Omega Red Amingo Sorry I don't play a lot of the low-tier characters, I just use the cheaper teams. If need strategies and tips with the teams I give you just reply. -Later Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 06:27:2001 06:57 AM: I'm working on new team Magneto-pro cable-pro commando-AAA cable projectile keeps enemies down so you can rush i didnt see the need for 2 anti airs what you think of this team solid??? Posted by Psykik Jin on 06:27:2001 07:22 AM: Hey my team is IronMan-pro Cabel-AAA BH-AAA I need some tactics/combos for BH if u get the chance thanx Posted by RiX !z Do[]De on 06:27:2001 10:02 AM: mags .. should i use projectile or capture?? storm .. projectile cable .. anti - air Posted by Kao_ Ryuu on 06:27:2001 12:58 PM: cheh My team is StriderVAR/HulkAAA/capCOMAAA I don't need help or anything, i just felt like telling you. hey,hey,OK!!!!!! Posted by HaloMek on 06:27:2001 03:52 PM: Omega Red-Ground Iron Man-Projectile T. Bonne-Projectile Think of T. Bonne as Dr.Doom and give me some strats/tips Posted by AshramTI on 06:27:2001 04:44 PM: ok, here goes: this team... strider-beta/cyclops-beta/doom-beta and if you have time... iceman-alpha/cyclops-beta/doom-beta and some more extra time... strider-beta/iceman-alpha/doom-beta Posted by Real Sacred Cow on 06:27:2001 04:56 PM: A new team i'm playing with is Morrigan/Tron/IM. Once when i get IM infinite down, i will rule....hahaha Didn't need any help, just wanted to show that even low tier charac. can kick ass. Posted by Tuff Daddy on 06:27:2001 06:14 PM: Akuma/Expansion-Storm/Proj-Cable/AAA good? Posted by Hellfromabove on 06:27:2001 09:41 PM: You should really listen to this guy he really knows what he is doing. Well anyway my team is: Cyclops - Anti-Air Cable - Anti-Air Sentinal - Ground This is one of the best teams alive. Red Spiral came over to my house and made me a hardcore fighter. You can do 2 traps and a gaurd break with this team. Thanx Red Spiral. -See Ya!!! Posted by Red Spiral on 06:28:2001 02:20 AM: NIN_CrimzinTerry- excellent team. use cable to cross up the opponent sometimes to mess up their guard. if they mess up and dont block, hit them with the magnetic tempest air combo. if they c. short, wait a second a stand up and throw. this is a good way of offensive throwing and will set you up for a lot of oppurtunities of combos. captain commando assist is good against characters that keep running away and will compliment your cable. I prefer cyclops but capcom is still pretty solid. Psykik Jin- blackheart isn't big in combos..his main tactic is sj and throw demons, dash towards or back and demons again. watch out for cable he will sj and avhb your ass if your not careful. so make sure he blocks the cable anti air so he cant jump up, then throw demons. if he tries to hit cable get him in the demons and do the ground combo: s.short, s. roundhouse xx inferno xx kicksuper. if the opponent jumps around in the air like a dumbass just sj and do jab, short, short. RiX !z Do[]De- magneto should use pro. cause the capture assist is too slow. storm should use pro. too cause the typhoon goes through everything like sentinel traps. you need an anti-air so use cable as that. you can also counter in with cable and avhb their mistakes. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:28:2001 02:33 AM: HaloMek- since both of your point characters have air dashes use this to your advantage. tron bonne gamma is a good crossup assist and the main attack strategy with this is to cross over, hit them with the preferred omega red combo: jab, jab, sj, jab, short, jab coil energy drain throw. this combo is a strong combo and will keep omega's health replenished. if the opponent so happens to guard the assist, make them block a jab, wait a second and then throw. this throw tactic is useful but then again hard to master. you should switch your omega red over to anti air, your team needs it. iron man has the same crossover tactic as omega bu different combos. use c. short, c. jab, s. roundhouse, sj., jab, short, u. fierce, u. roundhouse, air dash u., jab, u. fierce, u. roundhouse. this is a good damaging combo and will help you out for the long run. I can't give you any tips on tron as a point character, i dont use her. AshramTI- 1st team: I recommend using cyclops last and doom second. though you will be using doom more to complement the strider/doom trap, if strider get koed and cyclops in, you might be in some serious trouble. cyclops isnt the best point character against a cable(most likely the opponent) or a sentinel blackheart. so if you use doom second, you can use a variation of the doom/blackheart trap. call cyclops, sj. pink shit, pink shit, pink shit, land, sj. repeat. 2nd team- can i get back to you with the other team too? Posted by Red Spiral on 06:28:2001 02:44 AM: AshramTI-iceman is a good point character and meter builder to use. switch the doom/cyclops order around. you should call out doom and make them block a jab icebeam. blocking both things does GOOD block damage. beware of cable. you should mix up the sj. and then fierce icebeam down at the opponent. cables will usually sj. a hyper viper beam your ass(again!) so just jump sometimes and make him drain his supers. when hes out of supers make his ass block all the icebeams you got and doom assist. watch dooms health though. on the ground when you throw icebeams you should do this pattern, straight, up, up, straight. this team can dominate most magneto teams. if the dumbass magneto dashes straight at you most likely he will get hit by doom assist. if you block a crouching fierce launcher, dash! his lag on that launcher is slow enough that you can dash and c. short, c. roundhouse, air combo to super! oh yeah and about cyclops: keep. running away and use roundhouse and double jump to build meter. if you need a good ground combo use this: roundhouse, roundhouse xx cyclone kick (1st hit) mega optic blast. ocassionaly trip when in range but after they call anti air assist. use the sonic boom motion with roundhouse kick as they get up to throw them around sometimes, it helps. when theyre in the corner throw with roundhouse. repeatedly hold forward and pushing roundhouse. its a good throw tactic. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:28:2001 02:50 AM: Real Sacred Cow- i didnt really need to know that but iron man infinite is hard to get down without an assist. other peoples teams on this thread can dominate your team without too many problems. doom/cyclops and blackheart with anti air is a mis match to that team. id reccomend keeping iron man and tron as an assist, but add in a good strong point character that can do good damage to an assist and someone who can chip(cable or sentinel is alright but you need anti air too). Posted by Red Spiral on 06:28:2001 02:59 AM: Tuff Daddy- good team. i was messing around with this team before but it lacks anti air when cables in. i know that akumas assist can setup a ahvb but akuma will most likely be dead. you already have a good point character and meter builder(storm) as well as keep away. if you still want to use akuma, use it in a team like this: akuma/cable/doom=meter+good point/main point/ main assist. call doom and air hurricane kick over their head. watch out for anti air assist. you have to know when to do this and have the right distance, dont keep throwing doom out cause hell get ahvb to death. well anyways, once over their head and doom at their back, use the combo c. short, c. short xx roundhouse hurricane kick(if the hurricane kick connects cancel into air fireball super) after the hurricane kick is finished and they blocked it, it is the perfect range to call out doom again and repeat. you can use c. short, c. short xx uppercut super to use on offense and his best air combo is sj. jab, short xx hurricane kick xx air fireball super. when akumas dead( or hes had enough, wait till the player sj. THEN tag in) use cable/doom strategy and if they get near they usually get hit by doom assist, then ahvb. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:28:2001 03:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Hellfromabove You should really listen to this guy he really knows what he is doing. Well anyway my team is: Cyclops - Anti-Air Cable - Anti-Air Sentinal - Ground This is one of the best teams alive. Red Spiral came over to my house and made me a hardcore fighter. You can do 2 traps and a gaurd break with this team. Thanx Red Spiral. -See Ya!!! i never gave you that team and if i did i was drunk. cyclops should never be used in the beggining of the match and as point. to use that team in the least correct way would be using it in this order: sentinel/cable/cyclops. then again sentinel should have assist like sprial alpha or blackheart to help him in his flight games. ill give you a new team. Sentinel/Cable/Blackheart if you need strategies reply later, im getting tired. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:28:2001 03:32 AM: hey come on people, im getting bored here! no one needs a team or team strats? Posted by illusion on 06:28:2001 01:45 PM: ...well i have a small question then... ...which team, in your opinion is the most rounded, in that it will have the least amount of problems with all the other top-tier teams... best guess is storm/cable-aaa/doom-aaa...but hey, i'm still what's your opinion on the best team to pick in terms of being well rounded out..?... thanks Posted by Zechs on 06:28:2001 03:13 PM: I want Dan-Alpha, Sakura-Gamma, and Zangief-Alpah, all on the same team, What should my team be? Posted by IcemanBling on 06:28:2001 03:37 PM: im workin on this new team.... magneto/ken/strider b4 i came to this site i didnt even know that it mattered what assist type you needed so this is a surprise to me. tell me if thats a good team and let me know what assists to use (the type) thx. Posted by Sentinel Force on 06:28:2001 07:17 PM: how about my team? can you give me strats? Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 01:46 AM: illusion- I would say my team: Magneto-alpha, Cable-alpha, Cyclops-Beta. It is part rushdown, assist killer, meter builder, and keep away. There is also the cable/cyclops keep away strategy(as well as my magneto keep away tactic). Cyclops assist can help magneto with his magneto combo(for ex. gene splice, dash forward sj., jab, short, jab, short xx hypergrav xx magnetic tempest, short, short xx hypergrav xx magnetic tempest, jab, jab, short, airdash, jab, short, jab, short xx hypergrav xx magnetic tempest. The proper way to tag cable in is wait till the opponent sj. THEN tag in. Or you can do the hypergav xx magnetic tempest combo then during the first hits, DHC into hyper viper beam (I like to cancel with the timeflip, it looks better). Then there's Spiral/Cable/Cylops, Spiral/Cable/Sentinel, Spiral/Sentinel/Blackheart, Sentinel/Dr. Doom/Blackheart(This team is weak against cable if not careful). You can try Doom/Cable/Blackheart(This is a really cheap keep away team but can be stopped by a good magneto or spiral!). There are more teams, but people usually do better with the top-tier characters, they have more advantages and strategies. Zechs- Ok um....I don't know about dan though, you can get as far as being the champ of Chuck-e-cheeses but not in any other arcade. I think you know what you want in your team but I'll give you a new one for the hell of it. Make it so that Ryu-alpha replaces dan, akuma-gamma goes in second and zangief last. Zangief's assist is also semi-invincible for a second and is a good setup for the shinkuu hadoken. You try zangief first and turn him black then tag out to ryu, it'll make zangief the ultimate assist! this teams main strategies are kinda rushdown and crossover tactics. try dashing straight into their face after they call assist and drop zangief out. this will hurt their assist and they can't do shit to zangief. the normal jump and hurricane kick over to the other side as a crossover strat. a good quick combo for ryu is c. short, s.fierce xx fierce hadoken xx shinkuu hadoken. you can try his air combos but ryus air combo into shinkuu hadoken is weak, just do the magic series into hurricane kick. Akuma's crossover strat. is the same as ryu's but slightly different combos. his combos are like c. short, c. short xx hurricane kick(this is meant to be blocked) xx fireball super if connected. If the opponent gets hit by 2 c. shorts in a row but are too far away for a hurricane kick, cancel into the uppercut super. His best air ccombo is jab, short xx hurricane kick xx fireball super. I don't play zangief but i can tell you a good super cancel. get them into the lariatxx with atomic buster it works most of the time. IcemanBling- This team has good characters in it but I wouldn't reccomend to play as them. If you're into rushdown go with magneto-a. if you're into rushdown trap go with strider-b. the problem with this team is that there isn't any assist to help out strider(doom). sure ken is a great anti-air but you dont need 2 point characters. magneto builds super fast and so does strider. I reccomend picking magneto for the power, but I need to know who you want to pick. If you want to play as strider, use strider-beta/doom-beta/ken-alpha. Strider/doom is a great way to trap a player but you need to know when to teleport and use the correct distance to teleport behind them. if you misjudge the distance and end up in front of the opponent you will be in deep trouble. if strider has had enough and is taken out, don't worry, doom/ken is a bitch to get by. treat it like the doom/blackheart trap:call ken, sj. pink shit all the way down repeat. this is very good against cables and this is hard to get past. Let me know if you want a new team besides this one and tell me your fighting style. keepaway, rushdown, or trap? Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 02:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by Sentinel Force how about my team? can you give me strats? I could write a whole page about strategies for this team but ill make it short. Sentinel-gamma doom-beta blackheart-beta Main strategy: against magneto and most other characters: Sentinels flight mode if very dangerous. it is very hard to catch him(except might i add Ahvb) when hes holding back in the opposite direction and going up. since you have blackheart (sentinels best assist) you can fly up-back from lets say magneto. during flight mode you can call assist. well while running away from the guy call blackheart. if magneto blocks it just fly over and step on him and fly back. this makes magnetos mad and they have an alternative to dash at sentinel and sj to connect an air combo. well if you see the little icon go even near you just step on him again. sentinels foot is extremely powerful and you can combo it with a jab rocketpunch. if cable tries to kill blackheart by ahvbing that shit, fly over and do the combo: short, short, dp rocketpunch. usually experts play cable second because they need to build supers. if you have five supers once cable comes in make him block this: c. fierce xx rocketpunch xx hypersentinelforce( during all of this call out doom) c. fierce xx rocketpunch xx hypersentinel force repeat. on the last hyper sentinel force remember, cable can ahvb c. fierce's and rocketpunches, so use c. fierce xx flight xx normal. cable can't ahvb that. by the time all those rocks and drones hit cable he has half his life left! But characters like ken can super out of this. the reason this is good against cable is that he can't duck under the rocketpunch...other characters that have crouches shorter than sentinels rocketpunch can sj in between the c. fierce and rocketpunch, although you have to be damned fast. I got it down but took me about 20 mins. there are ways to stop this trap(i know about 4 or 5) but it took a long time to figure it out. MOST cable players cant get out of this, luckily i can. so dont worry about throwing this out. a good way to start it is when you kill the first character, do short sentinel force aimed at the incoming cable, c. fierce then do the trap. after the traps over, try sj and going into flight mode. remember to cancel alot to fake out cable and make him lose his super. then you can fly ABOVE of him. call blackheart alot and he cant do shit. remember ABOVE of him DIRECTLY ABOVE OF HIM. if he sj., its hard but throw him with fierce then push roundhouse. its a two hit combo but does alot. if sentinel gets raped, always count on the doom blackheart trap. i think you know what it is already right? well usually if you start the trap early, your blackheart assist will hit the other blackheart assist first, once you start the trap the bh assist cant touch you(unless you mess up). this trap is also anti cable but you have to watch cable at all times. and i dont want to get into blackheart strategies, if you want reply but i think you know them already. i wrote them earlier on this thread. a good trap against a single character is hard to get out of. corner them, usually with the sj. roundhouse demons, then do normal jumps toward throwing fierce demons then jumping back fierce demons. while all this is happening call out doom over and over again. this trap is EXTREMELY hard to escape without anti air assist. sorry i cut out a lot of the strategy but i had to make it short. if you need more just ask. Posted by logan's son on 06:29:2001 02:57 AM: Here's a team for ya... Colosus (dash) CapCom(aaa) Cyc(aa) I mainly rush down with colosus with cyc. as proj. assit sometimes since i have cap as a aaa i build meter , then use the meter in triple team to kill a assit or with cyclops beam them to death. But i want to see what would you do and sugesst with this team . Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 03:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by logan's son Here's a team for ya... Colosus (dash) CapCom(aaa) Cyc(aa) I mainly rush down with colosus with cyc. as proj. assit sometimes since i have cap as a aaa i build meter , then use the meter in triple team to kill a assit or with cyclops beam them to death. But i want to see what would you do and sugesst with this team . Colossus is a 2nd tier character.... even though I don't play as him much I can still tell you all his rushdown strategies... First off, change cyclops to anti-air..capcom's anti-air isn't invincible when he first pops out of the screen, so you can nail him even before he does the captain corridor! I wouldn't personally use captain commando as a point character backup, he not that good. His best combo is c. short, c.short, c. fierce xx captain storm. the opponent cannot roll out after that so follow up with c. short, s. roundhousexx captain sword. you can mash out of this combo but it is very unlikely the person will do so. you can combo the captain sword by canceling the captain corridor with it or using s. roundhouse. he has a guard break if you call out that mummy guy and time it right... but it is hard to do. the cons of capcom: slow no airdash no double-jump can't chip can't trap by him self can't kill assist can't play keep away On with colossus: Colossus again is a 2nd tier character but can be deadly if used correctly. his air combo cancelled into his dive is incredibly powerful for just one super. its launch, sj. jab, short, jab, short xx tackle xx power dive xx cancel down. His ground game is good; his trip reaches about 1/4 of the screen. I do the invincibility super first then rushdown... well his trip can be cancelled into the tackle for GOOD damage. His assist is execellent for keep away. A good character that can compliment this guy is iceman. iceman's assist cuts thru assist characters like doom and does massive block damage. it is hard to hit iceman when youre getting rushedown by colossus too. iceman can play keep away by calling out colossus, making them block him then cover colossus with an icebeam. it builds up good amounts of super and drains the persons life till they can't take any more. I would throw away cyke cause if youre using him as a projectile assist, well he's useless. he's not that good one on one and you can switch him with someonelse. I'd switch him with iceman. I'd say you should have your team like this: iceman/colossus/cyclops: this team still doesn't have that cable strength, but i'd recommend changing cyclops to blackheart. iceman/blackheart/colossus: very good team. I don't know if you want to play as this team, so I won't talk too much about it. It's basically a keep away team that drains your life and safe tags with DHC all day. If you want to know more about this team just reply. these are all the good colossus teams i know and play as by experience, but I don't want to get into all the cyclops variations and capcom ones, ok? oh yeah and if you use cyclops, ALWAYS use beta assist! Posted by logan's son on 06:29:2001 03:56 AM: iceman/blackheart/colossus: very good team. I don't know if you want to play as this team, so I won't talk too much about it. It's basically a keep away team that drains your life and safe tags with DHC all day. If you want to know more about this team just reply. I'm replying, sounds good to me , although i think cyc is great on point his mob 10% block damage! he builds meter like crazy but the whole cyc. with proj. assit is a sometimes thing that i do but yeah i'll try that team so give me strats! Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 04:09 AM: alright here goes... This team is a keep away team. start off with iceman or blackheart, I would recommend iceman in all situations but mainly with rushdown characters. Iceman is very good against Magneto. Magneto has lag after his c. fierce launcher, so after he tries to launch you, dash straight at him and do: c. short, c. roundhouse sj. jab, short, jab, short xx arctic attack. another reason that this has an advantage over magneto is the colossus assist. Colossus dashes straight down in a good angle and is invulnerable for the most part. When magneto dashes toward you, he needs at least 1 second to block...but he can't dash into colossus! if he blocks colossus, make him block an icebeam to drain his life. continue jumping back and calling colossus and shooting icebeams to save him. but know when to call him out. you can try to mix it up with blackheart assist too. i gotta go.. ill finish this soon though. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 06:29:2001 04:11 AM: Try my team: Storm Projecticle Cable Anti air Sentinel Gamma I use Storm to runaway from Cable's and anyone else that runs away. If I get there assist in one vertical hurricane while I'm sjing it's over cause I can do the vertical hurricane until the assist dies. Any suggestions or Strategies? Posted by pulsr on 06:29:2001 04:12 AM: elloooo, i play... Juggz (variety muhaha) Cable AA and sent ground of course.... and i just keep wonderin if i should put juggz on his dash type... the variety type takes up alotta space and avoids direct combat on the ground and if he gets hit in the air he just leaves the screen and if cable goes to do an air hyper viper beam him u usually have barely enough time to just cancel it with a regular viper beam... i dunno i just have fun =p Posted by Marvarapper on 06:29:2001 04:27 AM: Magneto/Cable/Cyke Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 04:42 AM: ok.. i'm back. When iceman has gained 5 supers, tag blackheart in. remember always tag in when they sj. if you're playing against a cable and a sentinel, safe tag like this: arctic attack DHC into Blackheart's kick super or if the person is near do the armageddon. blackhearts main strategy is sj. roundhouse demons dash demons. watch out for cable though. you can throw one set of demons then dash: it helps you to block. with blackheart keep calling colossus and sj. throwing demons. when they jump near you inferno xx kick super. even if they block this mash all the buttons and it will drain their life. remember call iceman out when this is happening so it will drain their life. just keep repeating the same strategy and keep running away. when colossus is all alone use his invincibility super for rushdown and his long-ass range trip. like i said you can cancel his trip into the power tackle for GOOD damage. His air combo: launch sj. jab, short, jab, short xx power tackle xx power dive down is one of the best! hope this helps. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 05:01 AM: Aoishi2AL- you play storm like everyone does right? sj. fierce fierce airdash fierce fierce lightning attack? well that's a good keep away strategy, but watch out for blackheart assist. once you see that little tiny icon of blackheart you dash straight into on direction. her main aircombo is: sj. jab, short, jab, short xx lightning attack(you can do this up to twice)xx lightning storm. of course you can airdash up and continue the combo for more hits but it's not that safe and i wouldn't recommend it. a good ground assist killer with storm is short typhoon xx hailstorm. it is ahvbable, but is good against all the other characters. the proper way to tag in your cable beta is either counter then hit them with the ahvb or do the air combo super DHC into hyper viper beam it does good damage. im sure i dont have to explain cable to you cause everyone knows how to play as him. well there's this thing with sentinel/storm that most people don't know. Sentinel's ground combos are good, for example: normal jump short, roundhouse xx flight short, roundhouse jabrocketpunch. it does 45% damage on normal characters and if blocked, be sure to call out storms assist before the rocketpunch. air combo- jab, short, jab, short, fierce rocketpunch jab, short, short, dp rocketpunch Corner only: launch, jab, short, jab, short, fierce rocketpunch, fierce, roundhouse(another 45% damage combo) Infinite: (bad version)rocketpunchxx hyper sentinel force xx fierce xx hypersentinelforce fierce repeat. (good version) rocketpunch xx hypersentinelforce xx c. fierce xx rocketpunch xx hyper sentinel force. this infinite can go on and on but it gets weak after the 2nd hyper sentinel force so id save the rest of the supers for chipping. remember to use his flight mode alot. when the person is sj. alot, you can go over and do short, short, dp rocketpunch for a quick damaging combo. fake cable out by canceling flight now and then. i listed flight strategies earlier in the post so i dont want to repeat myself. sentinel's fierce counters ALMOST every physical attack when sj. his mighty foot is an excellent poke. when shooting a c. fierce, cancel into flight then cancel back so cable can't ahvb you. hope this helps. sorry just look in the earlier posts for more sentinel strats. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 05:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by pulsr elloooo, i play... Juggz (variety muhaha) Cable AA and sent ground of course.... and i just keep wonderin if i should put juggz on his dash type... the variety type takes up alotta space and avoids direct combat on the ground and if he gets hit in the air he just leaves the screen and if cable goes to do an air hyper viper beam him u usually have barely enough time to just cancel it with a regular viper beam... i dunno i just have fun =p well, you should always put juggy on dash, you can otg when the person gets hit and it takes a ton of life. if you're playing against a rushdown character a good strat. for juggs is just jumping towards the guy throwing fierces and if you get one in, land and do: jab, jab xx mashed headcrush. it does SO MUCH life! to guard break with the juggurnaut just corner them and do jumping roundhouse just about the time they jump out.... wait a split second then mashed headcrush! Like i said i dont want to repeat myself on the characters, and your team doesnt have any good traps or assists that help each other out....there is a ground combo that jugg has but you can totally get out of it..:c. short, c.short xx jab juggurnaut punch xx headcrush. it does a lot of damage and happens REALLY fast so you don't know whats going on. the way to stop this is just hold back on the controller and the person only gets hit by the first hit of the headcrush.. well, have fun. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 05:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by Marvarapper Magneto/Cable/Cyke heh. you just wanta see me type don't ya? well good thing i type 86 wpm. well here it is: Magneto-alpha Cable-Alpha Cyclops-Beta use magneto on point to build supers and make damage on the opponent. All i can really say is that you have to be really fast cause if you don't have good reaction time sentinel/blackheart can tear your ass up and you wont be able to get out of most traps. Well my strategy is that i can get out of all the traps. you just need to setup the magneto combo well. cyclops beta sets up the magneto combo perfectly... that is, if you're fast enough. i can do the magnetic tempest three times in the air and do 1 magneto infinite...If you want to know it look on monkeys website. its the justin wong one, but justins mag actually can combo his hypergravs with cammy and the shockwave. well, anyways, if they call out an assist, and they're not cable, do c. short, c. fierce xx hypergrav xx magnetic tempest. the hyper grav goes toward the active player and when the assist falls down he gets nailed by the magnetic tempest. after the first tempest is done, repeat. it is extremely damaging and fun to use. if you killed their point man and their assist is still out, just keep c. fierce the assist to death.. kinda like storm... i can't tell you how to start it up.. you have to figure that out on your own. well back on the topic, magnetos airdash is very good and fast. he can escape blackheart assist with ease and can play good keep away with it too. i have my own keep away strategy just to build supers like cyclops or storm... well the reason i picked cable alpha is because of the crossup games... it can set you up for almost anything you want. tip- call cable, dash over their head, if they get hit, hit them with an air combo(i like to use the infinite air combo most, but whatever), if they block, do c. short, wait a second, stand up and throw. this throwing technique is like kara-cancelling in 3s and comes in very useful. my cable/cyclops is just like michael morses, no different. so that's some strats. for my team.... Posted by Jakuda on 06:29:2001 05:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral i never gave you that team and if i did i was drunk. cyclops should never be used in the beggining of the match and as point. to use that team in the least correct way would be using it in this order: sentinel/cable/cyclops. then again sentinel should have assist like sprial alpha or blackheart to help him in his flight games. ill give you a new team. Sentinel/Cable/Blackheart if you need strategies reply later, im getting tired. Uh, Cyclops can be devastating at point AS LONG as the team is built to support him. In the case of cyclops/cable/sentinel, it doesn't really make sense, b/c if you're using cyclops as a battery, his jumping RH's are easily dealt with. If you're trying to put cyclops as an offensive point character, he needs to use meter and a good assist (like BH's aaa) to back him up, but neither BH nor free use of meter (he needs to build for cable) is available. So to be fair, the team mentioned may not be the best team possible, but it is too quick to say cyclops should "never" be used in the beginning of the match. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 06:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda Uh, Cyclops can be devastating at point AS LONG as the team is built to support him. In the case of cyclops/cable/sentinel, it doesn't really make sense, b/c if you're using cyclops as a battery, his jumping RH's are easily dealt with. If you're trying to put cyclops as an offensive point character, he needs to use meter and a good assist (like BH's aaa) to back him up, but neither BH nor free use of meter (he needs to build for cable) is available. So to be fair, the team mentioned may not be the best team possible, but it is too quick to say cyclops should "never" be used in the beginning of the match. I'm not trying to start anything here on this thread cause im trying to help people, but ill tell you why not to use cyke on point. Have you ever seen a "Devastating" cyke on point in the beginning of the match take on magneto, storm, keep away doom, spiral/sentinel/blackheart traps? cyke can't rushdown a character very well like in the x vs sf days anymore.... and who would build a team around cyclops? teams are usually built around cable, cause who would win? i never seen a team built around cyke cause he may be alright one on one against capcom or something but not against other top tiers. no one builds team around cyclops, he has no traps unless he is used as an assist. Posted by Jakuda on 06:29:2001 06:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral I'm not trying to start anything here on this thread cause im trying to help people, but ill tell you why not to use cyke on point. Have you ever seen a "Devastating" cyke on point in the beginning of the match take on magneto, storm, keep away doom, spiral/sentinel/blackheart traps? cyke can't rushdown a character very well like in the x vs sf days anymore.... and who would build a team around cyclops? teams are usually built around cable, cause who would win? i never seen a team built around cyke cause he may be alright one on one against capcom or something but not against other top tiers. no one builds team around cyclops, he has no traps unless he is used as an assist. I will give that it is hard to build a good cyclops team, but you shouldn't gloss over him, just because you haven't seen a good cyke team played. You should search for some of Viscant's posts about cyclops on his "view from here" thread and his post on "cyke on point and feared" (something like that). He explains things a lot more thoroughly than I would. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 07:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jakuda I will give that it is hard to build a good cyclops team, but you shouldn't gloss over him, just because you haven't seen a good cyke team played. You should search for some of Viscant's posts about cyclops on his "view from here" thread and his post on "cyke on point and feared" (something like that). He explains things a lot more thoroughly than I would. hey man i dont want to start anything but i have one final answer. do you believe everything you hear? if viscant says cyke is dangerous on point, how come i never seen him use him on point and i never seen a "cyke" team. come on. should spiral build supers for cyke so he can chain his MOB? no cause its not very effective. how come duc do or ricky or alex or any good player use cyke on point? cause thats not his style. you dont see a rushdown cable cause cable just jumps back and shoots. you dont see a zangief that attacks like strider cause thats not his style and purpose either. cyclops' purpose is to assist, build meter, last chance one-on-one fighter. Rushdown Magneto vs. "rushdown" cyclops? no way! Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 08:07 AM: No one needs help? oh yeah and give me some time on these replies. so far ive responded to all of the posts and put a lot of effort and depth into it. so just wait until you see your name. ill get to you. later Posted by Vermilion-GA on 06:29:2001 10:51 AM: Right now I'm playing... Magneto - Capture Iceman - Projectile Strider - Ground It's working very well for me but I'm always open to constructive criticism that could improve my game. Any suggestions? -Pat Posted by AshramTI on 06:29:2001 04:49 PM: i want to make a team with guile up front and ken at the end for his anti air assist. what are some good suggestions for a third character in the middle? this is a team which i wanna play for fun, i've got my top tier teams but i wanna use these two. any suggestions will do. i don't really like using cable though... just personal preference, though i know its cutting out one of the top characters in the game... Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 06:29:2001 05:18 PM: Thanks for anwering question now im posting so I dont get mail from this thread anymore Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 07:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by Vermilion-GA Right now I'm playing... Magneto - Capture Iceman - Projectile Strider - Ground It's working very well for me but I'm always open to constructive criticism that could improve my game. Any suggestions? -Pat Using magneto, always use alpha assist. the capture type is too slow and travels a short distance. strider beta is a good assist and he can help you out through the long run. iceman is good too, but this team has weaknesses. though there ARE good characters in this team the assists don't really compliment each other very well. if you use strider, drop in doom. with magneto, doom works well too with his triangle jump tactics. here are your teams: Iceman-alpha/cable-beta/cyclops-beta (sorry but this IS a really good team, but i dont know if you want to play cable or not) Magneto-alpha/cable-alpha/cyclops-beta I posted some strategies on this team earlier in this thread, it is a very powerful team and could waste A LOT of other teams. Strider-Beta/Doom-Beta/AAA assist sorry i need to know the characters you want to play as then i can be more clear as to your fighting style. Posted by Vermilion-GA on 06:29:2001 07:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral sorry i need to know the characters you want to play as then i can be more clear as to your fighting style. Well, I've dabbled in Cable in the past, but stopped because I got kinda bored with using him. I could use him again but I'd have to re-learn quite a bit. Sentinel rocks but I can't quite get the grasp of any real strategies there. Doom is kinda awkward but I could put some time into him if it proves as rewarding as I've heard. I used to play CapCom but quit when I realized he was just an assist - I don't like playing that style, I prefer having three characters that can do things. Basically as long as the team contains Magneto (since I've put too much time into him to drop him now) and a good annoying speed character like (but not limited to) Strider, I could learn a third to go with them. Thanks for the advice so far. -Pat Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 07:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by AshramTI i want to make a team with guile up front and ken at the end for his anti air assist. what are some good suggestions for a third character in the middle? this is a team which i wanna play for fun, i've got my top tier teams but i wanna use these two. any suggestions will do. i don't really like using cable though... just personal preference, though i know its cutting out one of the top characters in the game... you're not really cutting off cable cause he's not one of the top tiers in this team. well he's good but no assist really sets him up well for the ahvb and doesn't really do much. cable needs the correct assist to help him out in this game.... well anyways, a very good character that compliments your team of guile and ken is doom. Guile-alpha/Doom-beta/Ken-alpha. the main strategy here is for using guile at point and ken being the invincible assist to cover under heavy rushdown. guile's corner trap with doom is excellent. it CAN trap a blackheart/commando in the corner....throw a jab sonic boom, jump towards blackheart using short fierce, call doom, c. short, c. short, c. roundhouse sonic boom repeat. the reason that this stops blackheart/commando is that commando isn't invincible the one second he pops out... doom is so close to blackheart that before commando can hit the ground with his corridor, he gets hit. blackheart can only push back one character.... guiles legs are very long and can reach with his jumping roundhouse. if guile is pushed back, blackheart is stuck with doom. if doom is pushed back then blackheart eats a sonic boom. this doom great block damage and is kinda hard to escape with magneto and several other characters. guile's main combos: guiles jumping roundhouse covers a great distance... throw this out when trying to rush into the opponent. you will occasionally backbreaker throw the opponent and you can OTG their ass into and air combo. this throw is very fast and alot of people dont see it coming. guile can combo his supers very easily, im sure you know that. air combos: magic series into dash super magic series into flash kick with guile you dont need any fancy smancy combos, these combos do good damage anyway. if guile gets taken out, don't worry, you got doom/ken! an excellent team. Ken compliments doom with his invincible uppercut... this is like the doom/blackheart strategy.. in rushdown it is better too! call ken, sj. pink shit the way down and call ken repeat. mix it up with the sj. fierce... the one where doom pulls out his gun. Ken strategy: when ken comes in, usually people like to guard break. luckily kens uppercut is invincible as long as the flames on his hand. so if cable shoots his gun and lands, block the gun and the uppercut! he is one of the few characters that can get out of this but thats not his point. his air combo does 45% damage on normal characters.... the launch jab xx roundhouse hurricane kick. it does GOOD ASS damage and his shoryureppa is also a good super. it can be comboed by two c. shorts(the best way) or any other physical attack. it reaches to the other side of the screen fast enough to counter cables standing HVB... although no "GOOD" cable uses it. i hope this helps -red spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 07:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Vermilion-GA Well, I've dabbled in Cable in the past, but stopped because I got kinda bored with using him. I could use him again but I'd have to re-learn quite a bit. Sentinel rocks but I can't quite get the grasp of any real strategies there. Doom is kinda awkward but I could put some time into him if it proves as rewarding as I've heard. I used to play CapCom but quit when I realized he was just an assist - I don't like playing that style, I prefer having three characters that can do things. Basically as long as the team contains Magneto (since I've put too much time into him to drop him now) and a good annoying speed character like (but not limited to) Strider, I could learn a third to go with them. Thanks for the advice so far. -Pat alright i got your team. you already know magneto right? well heres your team: Magneto-alpha/Storm-alpha/Psylocke-alpha or cyclops-beta you will have to learn storm a little, but she is a GREAT character. I use her second so you can safely tag in with her DHC into hailstorm. I prefer to use cyclops in this team but it I use psylocke for OTG fun. storms keep away/rushdown is excellent. the typhoon goes through ANYTHING...bye bye spiral and sentinel traps! viscant does the bad-ass assist killer using the snapback move...He can tell you WHEN to do this better than i can. psylocke helps mags and storm out VERY well in this team. basically you get a free hit everytime they get hit by psylocke...unless they roll. but then again they can get thrown too. her air combos are excellent for quick hit and run tactics. ive posted storm strategies earlier in this thread(sorry man) so you might want to look up there for storm. psylocke on point is MUCH better than cyke. her rushdown and her speed in the corner is soo fast! basically jump in using fierce and land using c. jab, c. jab, c. short, c. fierce xx jab psy shot or whatever its called, then dash in repeat. also remember the feet games. i play feet games alot and it can also win the game for you sometimes. when they're in range, trip with roundhousexx jabe psyshot xx butterfly super. air combo with psylocke: launch, jab, short, jab, short, up roundhouse, doublejump, jab, short xx psyblade xx butterfly super. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 07:51 PM: keep em coming, i like to type... Posted by Vermilion-GA on 06:29:2001 07:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral alright i got your team. you already know magneto right? well heres your team: Magneto-alpha/Storm-alpha/Psylocke-alpha or cyclops-beta you will have to learn storm a little, but she is a GREAT character. I use her second so you can safely tag in with her DHC into hailstorm. I prefer to use cyclops in this team but it I use psylocke for OTG fun. storms keep away/rushdown is excellent. the typhoon goes through ANYTHING...bye bye spiral and sentinel traps! viscant does the bad-ass assist killer using the snapback move...He can tell you WHEN to do this better than i can. psylocke helps mags and storm out VERY well in this team. basically you get a free hit everytime they get hit by psylocke...unless they roll. but then again they can get thrown too. her air combos are excellent for quick hit and run tactics. ive posted storm strategies earlier in this thread(sorry man) so you might want to look up there for storm. psylocke on point is MUCH better than cyke. her rushdown and her speed in the corner is soo fast! basically jump in using fierce and land using c. jab, c. jab, c. short, c. fierce xx jab psy shot or whatever its called, then dash in repeat. also remember the feet games. i play feet games alot and it can also win the game for you sometimes. when they're in range, trip with roundhousexx jabe psyshot xx butterfly super. air combo with psylocke: launch, jab, short, jab, short, up roundhouse, doublejump, jab, short xx psyblade xx butterfly super. WHOAAAAA!!! I didn't even think of taking that approach! Thanks! *rushes over to the Dreamcast to test out the new team* -Pat Posted by Red Spiral on 06:30:2001 02:42 AM: anyone else? Posted by Red Spiral on 06:30:2001 07:54 AM: *Yawn* I'm getting tired....I'm gonna change this thread to "Red Spiral teaches Mvc2"....maybe later..... Posted by Sentinel Force on 06:30:2001 07:30 PM: thanks for the help and do you have any suggestions on another team? Posted by Red Spiral on 06:30:2001 07:37 PM: your team already is susceptible to rushdown tactics.....try sentinel/blackheart/commando, its an excellent all-around team. team watts= Power, keepaway, traps Posted by Aoishi2AL on 07:01:2001 02:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral Aoishi2AL- you play storm like everyone does right? sj. fierce fierce airdash fierce fierce lightning attack? well that's a good keep away strategy, but watch out for blackheart assist. once you see that little tiny icon of blackheart you dash straight into on direction. her main aircombo is: sj. jab, short, jab, short xx lightning attack(you can do this up to twice)xx lightning storm. of course you can airdash up and continue the combo for more hits but it's not that safe and i wouldn't recommend it. a good ground assist killer with storm is short typhoon xx hailstorm. it is ahvbable, but is good against all the other characters. the proper way to tag in your cable beta is either counter then hit them with the ahvb or do the air combo super DHC into hyper viper beam it does good damage. im sure i dont have to explain cable to you cause everyone knows how to play as him. well there's this thing with sentinel/storm that most people don't know. Sentinel's ground combos are good, for example: normal jump short, roundhouse xx flight short, roundhouse jabrocketpunch. it does 45% damage on normal characters and if blocked, be sure to call out storms assist before the rocketpunch. air combo- jab, short, jab, short, fierce rocketpunch jab, short, short, dp rocketpunch Corner only: launch, jab, short, jab, short, fierce rocketpunch, fierce, roundhouse(another 45% damage combo) Ah good combos. The first time I know that you can tag Cable then ahvb while doing his aaa thank you! Posted by theperson420 on 07:01:2001 04:45 PM: Hey Red Spiral I was recently toying around with Charlie(AAA) Doom(AAA) and Jin (AAA). Just wondering what you think of the team, and any suggestions or strategies. Thanks! Posted by [MB2K]Mizter Ed on 07:01:2001 05:52 PM: I think this is the ultimate team. Colossus-Pro Hulk-AAA Juggernaut-Pro They are the power-houses of the entire game. Being able to kill Sentinal with just one combo (ask if you wanna know it) makes them very deadly combination. So if you wanna keep your other characters alive I would advise not to assist against this team. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:01:2001 09:05 PM: quote: Originally posted by theperson420 Hey Red Spiral I was recently toying around with Charlie(AAA) Doom(AAA) and Jin (AAA). Just wondering what you think of the team, and any suggestions or strategies. Thanks! alright. charlie aaa and doom aaa is a good combination. charlie builds meter fast due to his corner trap techniques using doom to help him trap the other guy. charlie can OTG his jumping throw the backbreaker and air combo for some decent damage. he can combo his somersault justice super from ANY one of his normal moves. charlies corner trap goes like this: jumping fierce, roundhouse, land , c. short, c. short xx jab sonic boom jump repeat. while doing all of this call out doom and this will compliment your trap. this trap is good against magnetos and blackhearts without aaa's. jins aaa is good for getting out of heated rushdown. when the other guy usually gets his ass worked, then tag in. when they do that, do: short, short, roundhouse xx somersault justice DHC photon array xx blodia vulcan. this does GOOD damage and can leave the other guy with little life remaining. im dont play jin so i cant give you any advice on doom/jin sorry if you want to use any of the characters i listed on my first post in this thread i can help you with them. -red spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:01:2001 09:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by [MB2K]Mizter Ed I think this is the ultimate team. Colossus-Pro Hulk-AAA Juggernaut-Pro They are the power-houses of the entire game. Being able to kill Sentinal with just one combo (ask if you wanna know it) makes them very deadly combination. So if you wanna keep your other characters alive I would advise not to assist against this team. alright ill tell you what i think of this team. colossus, juggernaut, and hulk are B-level characters in this game. juggernaut should be used as dash type. the juggernaut punch assist helps hulks rushdown game. i've already stated my colossus guide earlier so you should use colossus dash type too(power tackle). this team definately isnt the ultimate team. you can get rushed down, traped, and have to chase to other guy all day. if this was the best team the best players would be using it right? well it is HARD to fight a flying sentinel that traps all day too. hulks main combo already does 80% of your life with just one super you dont want to waste you DHC just killing sentinel....they usually tag out when near dead. if you need advise on this team i can help you. i do play as these characters its just that the combination of them isnt the best one. -red spiral Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:01:2001 11:36 PM: Dhalsim/Cyclops/Sent... unless the opponent is Bh or Sent, in which case Cyke goes first. Actually, I have a pretty good idea what I'm doing with this team, but a different perspective is always good. Posted by CaptainCommando on 07:01:2001 11:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by RiX !z Do[]De mags .. should i use projectile or capture?? storm .. projectile cable .. anti - air despite what red spiral says, you should put Magneto on capture assist. WHen cable comes out his effectiveness is greatly increased with any anti air, the capture assist(hypergrav) can be used in an anti air like fashion. When characters are coming down on you, call out mag capture and if they try to attack you theyll hit the hypergrav and you can combo rh, AHVBxwhatever after that. Even if they block it magneto is good bait for ahvb's. trust me i use that team and it is much better on mag capture. Posted by [MB2K]Mizter Ed on 07:02:2001 05:39 AM: Everyone always underestimates my power team. (Colossus, Hulk, Juggernaut.) Red Spiral is right about using everyone's dash assist, but I replace Juggernaut's dash with the earthquake assist. For 1 it is great for setting up powerful combos and I use it for a Hulk/Juggernaut trap. Also Colossus is so underrated. So far he is my best weapon against a good sentinal player. Colossus has about the same defense and strength but has one advantage over Sentinal. Since Sentinal has so many limbs that he throws out, Colossus' shoulder charge will make the opponent think twice about throwing out random punches and kicks. Also the shoulder charge beats out the rocket punch and his other projectiles. So when you expect your opponent to throw out a rocket punch, nail him with a shoulder charge. This makes Colossus a great contender. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE A RUSSIAN! Posted by MAoGin on 07:02:2001 06:52 AM: storm-a cable-b cyke-b i use storm both rushdown and keep away...but i'm having problem agains ppl who use capcom and me out!! i cant connect cyke assist with do i suppose to dash? ff...then sj? or just 2punches then sj? Posted by Red Spiral on 07:02:2001 08:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Dhalsim/Cyclops/Sent... unless the opponent is Bh or Sent, in which case Cyke goes first. Actually, I have a pretty good idea what I'm doing with this team, but a different perspective is always good. i wouldnt use cyke first in that match..... i dont play cyclops/sentinel but i can tell you that flying around with sentinel while crossing over then calling cyclops assist can do GOOD damage cause follow up with short short dp rocketpunch. i cant tell you much on this team though....i dont play it that much. if you want a new team tell me your fighting style and the characters you want(preferably the ones i listed on the first page)then i can give you all sorts of tips. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:02:2001 08:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by CaptainCommando despite what red spiral says, you should put Magneto on capture assist. WHen cable comes out his effectiveness is greatly increased with any anti air, the capture assist(hypergrav) can be used in an anti air like fashion. When characters are coming down on you, call out mag capture and if they try to attack you theyll hit the hypergrav and you can combo rh, AHVBxwhatever after that. Even if they block it magneto is good bait for ahvb's. trust me i use that team and it is much better on mag capture. ok buddy, have you ever wondered why duc do, shadyk, alex valle, justin wong, and every other GOOD player uses proj assist? well ill tell you why. if you call out magneto capture, it takes WAY too long for the hyper grav to come out AND it has very shitty range. when opponents jump in, they usually call out anti air assist, which knocks magneto out cold and magneto doesnt take hits to well. sentinel stepping on your ass all the time and blackheart/doom traps will rape your cable with magneto "anti air" magneto isnt supposed to be used as an assist...his em disruptor is a good decent QUICK assist. if you call out magneto capture while cable jumps around shooting fierce, magneto will get Ahvb AND cable cannot throw grenades or viper beams in time to cover for mag cause mag's quote"anti-air"un quote wont do shit and lags all fucking day. so yeah take it from a professional and use alpha assist. dont ALWAYS use recommended. cheh. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:02:2001 08:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by [MB2K]Mizter Ed Everyone always underestimates my power team. (Colossus, Hulk, Juggernaut.) Red Spiral is right about using everyone's dash assist, but I replace Juggernaut's dash with the earthquake assist. For 1 it is great for setting up powerful combos and I use it for a Hulk/Juggernaut trap. Also Colossus is so underrated. So far he is my best weapon against a good sentinal player. Colossus has about the same defense and strength but has one advantage over Sentinal. Since Sentinal has so many limbs that he throws out, Colossus' shoulder charge will make the opponent think twice about throwing out random punches and kicks. Also the shoulder charge beats out the rocket punch and his other projectiles. So when you expect your opponent to throw out a rocket punch, nail him with a shoulder charge. This makes Colossus a great contender. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE A RUSSIAN! hey man if you read earlier in the forum i said that colossus is a great character(i use him too) with many feet games and power. just that sentinel is faster, has better keep away, and can trap like a mofo that gives sentinel an advantage. colossus though is an excellent character that IS underated. if you need more tips on colossus just ask....i have plenty. -red spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:02:2001 08:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by MAoGin storm-a cable-b cyke-b i use storm both rushdown and keep away...but i'm having problem agains ppl who use capcom and me out!! i cant connect cyke assist with do i suppose to dash? ff...then sj? or just 2punches then sj? alright i can help you 100% the problem with your keep away strategy is that anti air assist right? well ill tell you how to avoid that. you notice how when the ALWAYS walk under you with capcom and then call out assist? well you still have the keep away advantage. storm can slow down her falling as you know by holding up. usually i sj. then press fierce fierce then wait against bh and capcom. when you see the little icon for blackheart, DASH STRAIGHT IN ONE DIRECTION. EITHER LEFT OR RIGHT. this tactic will ALWAYS dodge the blackheart assist and sometimes(in the right distance) capcom. basically when they call blackheart he pops out in the same place they stand. well after you avoid them just do the homing tornado to hit blackheart for GOOD decent damage. to connect with cyke, just make sure that they are near and that cyke hits them (best if close) then you have to (you have to practice this, it took me awhile with magneto but then i got that shit down) dash then sj. EXTREMELY fast to hit them with the air combo. this means that you will get a guaranteed air combo against them if they get hit by cyke and most likely they will. dont worry about pushing 2 punches, just use the stick. remember you have to train your speed... dont play a pattern or you will get rocked. hope this helps if this doesnt make sense just reply and ask -red spiral Posted by CaptainCommando on 07:02:2001 02:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral ok buddy, have you ever wondered why duc do, shadyk, alex valle, justin wong, and every other GOOD player uses proj assist? well ill tell you why. if you call out magneto capture, it takes WAY too long for the hyper grav to come out AND it has very shitty range. when opponents jump in, they usually call out anti air assist, which knocks magneto out cold and magneto doesnt take hits to well. sentinel stepping on your ass all the time and blackheart/doom traps will rape your cable with magneto "anti air" magneto isnt supposed to be used as an assist...his em disruptor is a good decent QUICK assist. if you call out magneto capture while cable jumps around shooting fierce, magneto will get Ahvb AND cable cannot throw grenades or viper beams in time to cover for mag cause mag's quote"anti-air"un quote wont do shit and lags all fucking day. so yeah take it from a professional and use alpha assist. dont ALWAYS use recommended. cheh. no i havent because i too am a good player, and have reasons for all the shit i do. The team of Mag/Storm/Cable has no AAA once Cable comes out. When youre getting fuxed by rushdown do you think mag alpha is gonna save your ass?> plz. BTW this is the only team i use mag on capture, and i have alot of mag teams. magneto capture isnt supposed to be used against characters jumping in. cable doesnt really need AAA there. It is supposed to be used when characters superjump in or around the screen. on there way down there will be no assists, and mag capture will catch them. If they blockk and try to hurt eric then you fux em up w/ cable. mag capture rapes a sjing rhing BH, and even a little doom, if you can get near him. Try the shit before you assume what the quote"professionals" unquote do is the best. cheh. Posted by Red_Spiral on 07:02:2001 08:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by CaptainCommando no i havent because i too am a good player, and have reasons for all the shit i do. The team of Mag/Storm/Cable has no AAA once Cable comes out. When youre getting fuxed by rushdown do you think mag alpha is gonna save your ass?> plz. BTW this is the only team i use mag on capture, and i have alot of mag teams. magneto capture isnt supposed to be used against characters jumping in. cable doesnt really need AAA there. It is supposed to be used when characters superjump in or around the screen. on there way down there will be no assists, and mag capture will catch them. If they blockk and try to hurt eric then you fux em up w/ cable. mag capture rapes a sjing rhing BH, and even a little doom, if you can get near him. Try the shit before you assume what the quote"professionals" unquote do is the best. cheh. magneto assist is never going to save your ass. so basically you're saying that mag capture can stop sentinels rushdown footstomp tactic with captain commando and can stop blackhearts sj. roundhouse demons? hah. i did try this shit. the hyper grav goes too fucking slow and lags. it has no range and only idiots with no defense get caught in it. watch when a pro. will tell you the same you'll be all oh yeah i agree. i pick magneto pro. cause it comes out fast and does decent damage. and with cable in that team its not a good combination. cable wont need too much "capture" notice capture NOT anti air assist cause if youre smart you will push block the guy way the fuck back too. just think. what assist can mag capture dominate? viper beam assist? hell no? cammy aaa or anything? hell no. the short hypergrav is too slow and everything beats it. oh wait! except dan projectile. oh no wait it comes out too fast! Posted by kyosuke87 on 07:02:2001 08:35 PM: hey can some one type down some tips for my team if anyone plays them Blackheart Cyclops Cable i bearly started to play with them a few dayz ago but i dont know shit about shit in this game so if you can help me i will be very thankfull Eric Cardenas Posted by Red_Spiral on 07:02:2001 09:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by kyosuke87 hey can some one type down some tips for my team if anyone plays them Blackheart Cyclops Cable i bearly started to play with them a few dayz ago but i dont know shit about shit in this game so if you can help me i will be very thankfull Eric Cardenas hell yes i can tell you about this team! this is an "anti-magneto" team. blackheart's demons and cylops help stop getting rushed down and play keep away all day. cable should also be an anti air too. well here's how it should be in order: blackheart-beta cable-beta cyclops-beta a good way to start things off is to call cyclops. all they have to do is block him and you get a free safe sj. to throw roundhouse demons. you throw roundhouse demons then dash to save yourself so you can enable yourself to block. usually you can throw two sets of demons. watch out for cable. you'll learn that people that use cable LOVE to sj. and hyper viper beam your ass. but if you throw one set of demons and then dash you will be safe. main combo for blackheart: launcher, sj. jab, short, jab, dash towards, jab, short, jab throw with roundhouse. if the guy is jumping around in the air you can sj. and do jab, short, short for quick good damage and to knock em outta the sky. theres an infinite for blackheart/cyclops but i can't explain the timing well so ask monkey, he's the infinite pro. never use the heart of darkness on cable if it're giving him free ahvb and you will get killed. the best way to stop a storm is to inferno xx heart of darkness. this works well and ALWAYS remember to mash. it does tons of chip damage and can be very annoying. the best way to tag in cable for this team is wait till you get hit by a proj. then counter into ahvb. then the rest of the game play normal keep away with cable mixing up the assist. the guy really has to guess which assist you're going to use. when getting rushed down use cyke. to play good keepaway use blackheart. the way to get out of blackheart assist is to dash....if they think you called out blackheart assist and dash they'll fly right into cyke and get ahvb.\ thats basically it hope this helps oh yeah since youre a newbie heres the BEST move in the game cable: down, down/forward, forward, up/forward 2 punches the AHVB -red spiral Posted by Dasrik on 07:02:2001 10:31 PM: Here's some more info on Blackheart/Cable/Cyke for you - Basically, BH is there to build meter for Cable. Do this by throwing a lot of demons, and mix it up depending on who you're fighting. On Mags or Sentinel you'll want to focus on jumping back with the fierce demons. On Cable or Spiral, use superjump roundhouse. And remember to make sure that if the opponent superjumps with you, you do NOTHING. This is really important and it's a mistake a lot of BH rookies make. If your opponent takes to the sky with you there is no point in doing anything except perhaps a jab when they get close. If you land near the enemy, drop with a short, then poke with c.short -> c.forward while calling Cyclops. If Cyclops connects, you can do a few things. First is, of course, air combo. You can also go into the infinite, by superjumping on top of the enemy and dropping the RH demons to start. (Be wary of doing this on a Cable team - this gives the opponent tons of meter as well as you.) Best option once you've gotten a lot of meter though is Inferno XX Judgement Day XX HVB - there's your way of bringing Cable in. If the poke is blocked, superjump immediately and be ready to cover your assist if the opponent tries to punish. Cable is the usual drill. Use Blackheart sparingly and only if needed, or during a standing fierce for a lock. It's better to have Cyclops available to you for rushers. Cyke is an interesting character that very few people have gotten the handle of. I myself would suggest that you ask Viscant your questions, since he's probably the best Cyclops I've seen. Posted by Red_Spiral on 07:03:2001 05:23 AM: if you want to learn a good cyclops ask viscant and learn the infinite from monkey. it comes in handy. Posted by Sentinels Force on 07:03:2001 03:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red_Spiral if you want to learn a good cyclops ask viscant and learn the infinite from monkey. it comes in handy. yo spiral can u tell me how u do that infinite with sentinel Posted by XDaNnYbOyEe on 07:03:2001 03:16 PM: magneto cable doom = too good Posted by Red Spiral on 07:03:2001 05:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Sentinels Force yo spiral can u tell me how u do that infinite with sentinel there are 2: super infinite: rocketpunch xx hyper sentinel force xx c. fierce xx rocketpunch xx hyper sentinel force repeat. this infinite gets weak after the 2nd hyper sentinel force so I wouldn't recommend using it after 2. The easier way to do this is just use rocketpunch xx hyper sentinel force xx s. fierce xx hyper sentinel force xx fierce repeat. This version is EXTREMELY weak and you're better off using the first one. corner infinite: launch, jab, short, jab, short xx flight mode, throw with fierce, then short, short, dp rocketpunch, short, short, dp rocketpunch repeat. I prefer using this one cause it does GOOD damage and doesn't waste the chipping hyper sentinel force super. You can do this until the flight mode runs out. Posted by AshramTI on 07:03:2001 05:21 PM: How do you use dhalsim, where in a team would he go, and who would back him up well. chars i am good with: guile, ken, doom, sentinel, megaman, iceman, strider, cyclops, spiral, storm... Posted by Red Spiral on 07:03:2001 05:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by XDaNnYbOyEe magneto cable doom = too good DAMN YOU NO SPAMMING ESPECIALLY ON MY THREAD. JCHENSOR PLEASE BAN THIS GUY HE WROTE THIS ON THE "WHY IS AAA SO GOOD" TOO. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:03:2001 05:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by AshramTI How do you use dhalsim, where in a team would he go, and who would back him up well. chars i am good with: guile, ken, doom, sentinel, megaman, iceman, strider, cyclops, storm... hmmmm. dhalsim is more like a battery character in the beggining of the match. I'd say he's good; his poking is excellent and some c. moves must be blocked low(his punches). use his teleport to get out of shit(it's only one frame long!) so he's kinda like spiral. he could play keep away decently; he has an air-dash too. use his pokes at good distances NEVER RUSH THEM DOWN WITH HIM. you can rush them down from like the other side of the screen!(exagerating but damn!) use ground type assist. this is very useful for rushdown characters. YOUR TEAM! You don't play too many characters but I'll try to help you with your characters. if you want to put dhalsim in your team I'll have to give you dhalsim-ground/sentinel-gamma/blackheart-beta(push-block often).....but you don't play blackheart. From seeing your other characters you can also choose: Strider/Doom/Sentinel(susceptible to rushdown, so push-block often) Strider/Doom/Ken If you want another team just ask. dhalsim is more battery and semi-assist. Posted by AshramTI on 07:03:2001 06:29 PM: what characters are good with dhalsim, period? regardless of who i am good with? Posted by Red_Spiral on 07:03:2001 06:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by AshramTI what characters are good with dhalsim, period? regardless of who i am good with? ironman, sentinel, cable(of course!) Posted by AshramTI on 07:03:2001 07:55 PM: how would i use a team constructed of sentinel, IM/cable, and dhalsim? Posted by Red Spiral on 07:03:2001 08:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by AshramTI how would i use a team constructed of sentinel, IM/cable, and dhalsim? Dhalsim-ground/Cable-anti-air/sentinel-gamma you're best bet with dhalsim is to poke the person to death to build meter. people dont know this but the poking method is VERY useful. the arms recover fast enough so that they wont be hit by anti-air. when you're done building meter or sim dies tag in cable or sentinel.(which person you prefer but change the order so the person you want is second). sentinels flight game is very annoying; fly upwards/back. call out sim once in a while and if they take the bait or not fly over on top of them and step on them with roundhouse. you can call out cable assist sometimes too; it prevents them from jumping cause of the psimitar. if you're flying around and they just jumped up next to you hit them with the pan(fierce)this moves counters most things in the game! a good flight combo is short, short, dp rocketpunch. in the corner you can do it over and over until flight mode runs out. the hyper sentinel force infinite is decent; look in this page and you will find it. you can chip really well whith sentinel if you had spiral; do the hyper sentinel force infinite while calling out spiral.(this is meant to be blocked, it will take about 50% life from cable blocking!). use sentinels quick jump combo: jump, short, roundhouse, short, roundhouse xx jab-rocketpunch. with cable its the same routine;but you can try this trap: s.fiercex4 xx short grenade repeat. during all of this call out sentinel before the last fierce fires. this trap does good block damage and is difficult to get out if not quick enough. -red spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:03:2001 10:52 PM: no one else? oh well im out. later Posted by *Magneto* on 07:04:2001 02:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by RiX !z Do[]De mags .. should i use projectile or capture?? storm .. projectile cable .. anti - air Pro I have been working on a team also. I have a hard time dciding between Cable:AA/Cyc:AA/IM:Pro. or Cable:AA/Cyc:AA/Magneto:Pro. Posted by Red_Spiral on 07:05:2001 11:44 PM: quote: Originally posted by *Magneto* Pro I have been working on a team also. I have a hard time dciding between Cable:AA/Cyc:AA/IM:Pro. or Cable:AA/Cyc:AA/Magneto:Pro. alright this is how its done Magneto-alpha/Cable-alpha/Cyclops-Beta This is my personal team. is use Cable alpha to help with my crossup strategies. Magneto-alpha/Cable-beta/Cyclops-beta I use this sometimes for fun. I dont know why someone needs 2 AAA's but I like using this to counter in with cable then AHVBing people. Posted by pulsr on 07:06:2001 02:38 AM: my friend uses the team ice man magneto guile, he wants to know whats good and bad about it plz respond thanx! Posted by Nyu_bomber on 07:06:2001 03:44 AM: Here's my team- Charlie-AAA Rogue-Throw Doom-AAA Posted by Red Spiral on 07:06:2001 03:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by pulsr my friend uses the team ice man magneto guile, he wants to know whats good and bad about it plz respond thanx! The Good: 1. Magneto's in it 2. icemans an alright battery character 3. guile can "rushdown" while using iceman as cover for assist The Bad: The characters are good its just that the team isn't. This game is about the team effort. you need other characters to compliment each other and each needs a designated purpose. either: battery/point-power/main assist point-power/main point-power/assist it's good to have the strategies above to help you think, you dont want to rushdown ALL the time cause youre just fighting till you die. you need a main type of thinking like for example my way of thinking: magneto used as battery and rushdown. if i cant get near sj. using fierce x2 then dash up fierce x 3. they'll have to chase me then i get them in the infinite(depending who they are) and kill them. my magneto can take out most GOOD peoples characters and can guard break. he is my main battery, power, and point he takes out most people using and spending supers like a madman. cyke compliments magneto cause the gene splice can set up the air combos. if anyones left over cable can come in a clean everyone out cause he is my power assist killer and keep away with cyke too. This team using iceman as battery is a good idea, but magneto does a better job plus hes faster, is a better battery, stronger, lasts longer, more keep away, more tactics such as triangle jumping, and so much more like infinites. so that will eliminate the purpose of iceman and gives you a new spot. this team has too many fighting characters. you need primary assist...guiles AAA isn't bad but you can get better ones. i would advise your friend to use my team, or: iceman/cable/cyke guile/amingo/iceman(as primary assist then as left over keep-away drainer as backup) -red spiral Posted by Cablescrub on 07:06:2001 04:03 AM: my team is blackheart(aaa) cap commando (aaa) cable(pro) it pisses most people off Posted by Red Spiral on 07:06:2001 05:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Cablescrub my team is blackheart(aaa) cap commando (aaa) cable(pro) it pisses most people off What do you want me to do? give advice and help with your team? Posted by Cablescrub on 07:06:2001 06:36 AM: against those tough rushdown mags/storm/im teams. Posted by AMX on 07:06:2001 06:45 AM: Im working on a team that nobody uses and i think i am sure ?!? Team AMX: Magneto(a) BH(b) Psylocke(a) Can you find any weaknesses in this team besides cable that i should be aware of? Posted by Taramoor on 07:06:2001 09:18 AM: Characters of choice (in order of preference): Sakura Guile Servbot Colossus Morrigan Rogue Dan Felicia CapCom Strider Tron Roll I generally run a battery/user/primary-assist type system with: Sakura(Dash)/Servbot(Balance)/Guile(AAA) In that order. However, all listed characters are interchangeable and can still form a strong team dynamic, except that Servbot, Roll and Dan's assists are kinda crappy. Any recommendations? Notes on top tier: I find the top tier, save Strider and Capcom, doesn't mesh well with my style of play. I've had to explain this to a couple people with comments along the lines of "Why don't you play Cable or Spiral or Sentinel?" So I'm a bit paranoid about it...sorry. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:06:2001 09:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by Cablescrub against those tough rushdown mags/storm/im teams. well, you should try cable/cyclops or cable/cammy. Play cheap if you have to win. thats cables style just jump back and shoot and throw grenades to cover for the assist. hold down the kick button to delay it from going off early. make sure you call cyke after they call assist and when then get in near. then after cykes out cover him. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:06:2001 10:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by AMX Im working on a team that nobody uses and i think i am sure ?!? Team AMX: Magneto(a) BH(b) Psylocke(a) Can you find any weaknesses in this team besides cable that i should be aware of? I will give you a BIG weakness in this team: Sentinel/Blackheart Sentinels flight mode is hard to keep up with; if they back up during flight and call blackheart it is hard to fight him with magneto. Psylocke's range goes only in front of you; sentinel will be all the way on the other side of the screen and flying up/back. he will call out blackheart(this usually comes out before yours); then once you have blocked it he will fly over and step on you with roundhouse. then he will fly back again and repeat. The problem: when sentinel is wayyyy back he waits for you to block blackheart then call assist; the assist can't reach him so he flys over and kills the assist will covering for blackheart. he will kill the assist using most likely short, roundhouse xx jab-rocketpunch. This does MASSIVE damage so don't call out assist; it'll get punished. it's hard cause when you sj. then dash forward to escape blackheart assist, sentinel flys over and hits you with the pan; if you dash straight to avoid it he can step on you. this here is a big guessing game with your team and I'll give you tips on how to stop it. 1. Dash in front of blackheart assist; step RIGHT outside of the inferno THEN call blackheart. blackheart comes out in the same spot where you stand so you dont want him to get hit by the assist. Bait sentinel to come near; he can punish blackheart badly cause just holding straight on the stick allows him to dodge it; then the above combo. This right here is a mismatch; its not impossible but you have to be REALLY FAST. I caght people in the roundhouse-hypergrav when they were flying near; then I comboed sentinel into the infinite(works well) 2. you can dash straight then sj. any combo you want. A LOT of people don't see it coming so this could be a good tactic. 3. call proj. assist.(i call cable to viperbeam blackheart before inferno comes out; you need EXCELLENT timing) Lure sentinel to fly towards cable to stomp on his ass; you cant do anything about this but you got to be fast. call cable or whatever BEFORE blackheart pops out or between the 2 blackheart inferno hits, then cancel right away to hk hypergrav. effective, but hard to do. The problem with this team is blackheart. basically you're using him as a single, he needs assist that compliment him. this team seems to be revolved around magneto/psylocke but once mags is gone blackheart/psylocke isn't the best pair to go with. the last 2 characters are ALMOST the most important part of the game. at least replace blackheart with cable or storm but this team isn't put together well. If you need a new team ask for some advice. -red spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:06:2001 10:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by Taramoor Characters of choice (in order of preference): Sakura Guile Servbot Colossus Morrigan Rogue Dan Felicia CapCom Strider Tron Roll I generally run a battery/user/primary-assist type system with: Sakura(Dash)/Servbot(Balance)/Guile(AAA) In that order. However, all listed characters are interchangeable and can still form a strong team dynamic, except that Servbot, Roll and Dan's assists are kinda crappy. Any recommendations? Notes on top tier: I find the top tier, save Strider and Capcom, doesn't mesh well with my style of play. I've had to explain this to a couple people with comments along the lines of "Why don't you play Cable or Spiral or Sentinel?" So I'm a bit paranoid about it...sorry. A lot of the characters listed above are B characters, I understand if you don't want to use top tier. A lot of these characters you gave me I play as and are great for battery building. It's just that you need good assists, like when you rushdown with guile it's good to use iceman proj. it cuts like a knife. I would recommend these teams: Iceman/blackheart/colossus guile/amingo/iceman felicia/cable/juggernaut(sorry this is a very good team for felicia) tron/cable/blackheart strider/doom/commando rogue/cable/cyke is alright I know that A LOT of the teams I gave you have the characters you hate like cable, but teams NEED good assist and strategy. I'm sorry but you gave me people that are hard to work with. I'm sure that a lot of people would slap together teams like 3 cables or 3 spirals i the DC version but that team doesnt work well. They don't compliment each other and dont have good assists. like 3 cables. cable needs someone to build assist for him. he cant do all of it himself. he needs good assist so theres cyclops. You need a good structure to your team. the reason why I couldn't give you teams consisting of only the characters you wanted was because if i gave it to you it would be a weak team. susceptable to most things. Oh and you use dan? tell me when you use the characters on my first page or you need help with some of the teams i gave you. -red spiral Posted by Taramoor on 07:06:2001 12:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral A lot of the characters listed above are B characters, I understand if you don't want to use top tier. A lot of these characters you gave me I play as and are great for battery building. It's just that you need good assists, like when you rushdown with guile it's good to use iceman proj. it cuts like a knife. I would recommend these teams: Iceman/blackheart/colossus guile/amingo/iceman felicia/cable/juggernaut(sorry this is a very good team for felicia) tron/cable/blackheart strider/doom/commando rogue/cable/cyke is alright I know that A LOT of the teams I gave you have the characters you hate like cable, but teams NEED good assist and strategy. I'm sorry but you gave me people that are hard to work with. I'm sure that a lot of people would slap together teams like 3 cables or 3 spirals i the DC version but that team doesnt work well. They don't compliment each other and dont have good assists. like 3 cables. cable needs someone to build assist for him. he cant do all of it himself. he needs good assist so theres cyclops. You need a good structure to your team. the reason why I couldn't give you teams consisting of only the characters you wanted was because if i gave it to you it would be a weak team. susceptable to most things. Oh and you use dan? tell me when you use the characters on my first page or you need help with some of the teams i gave you. -red spiral Sorry, posted my list before reading entire forum (yeah, stupid, I know), assumed from thread title that it was a character free-for-all First: Yes, I use Dan . He deals good damage, has easy-to-connect hyper combos, has high priority, guard crushes VERY well, has a moderately easy infinite, his Dankukyaku can evade BH's Inferno, he has the Otoko-michi, pisses off your opponent, HE'S DAN, and he builds Meter like a Madman. I've only seen a few characters match him in meter-building. (There's a grammar problem in there someplace...) His problems arise in his assists (which suck), his long range game, and his slightly below average defense. Making him a good character to get up close and personal with, and a pretty horrid turtle. Second: The thing about Cable... I don't hate him as a character, I have nothing against those who use him, and admire those who use him well, but I truly, absolutely, definitively, suck with Cable. I think it's in my genetic makeup. I spent almost a full week (nonstop) trying to learn even one top tier character and the only ones I even developed competence with were CapCom and Strider, I now like to think I'm fairly good with both of them. I can kinda use Blackheart, but not very well. I (personally) find Cable, Sentinel, Storm, and Doom just not suited to the way I play. I can play AGAINST them just fine, but as them... just doesn't work. And I refuse to believe that I have to master those specific characters to contend, not in a Capcom game. Third: Your recommendations: (I will try and adapt them to my playing style, tell me what you think) Colossus/Iceman/Blackheart I had experimented with this team early on. It almost worked for me; personal strategy was to have Colossus on point while Iceman beamed and BH Infernoed. Problems arose if/when Colossus got low. My Iceman was/is basically limited to three things: icebeam jab, launch, sj.magic series xx Arctic Attack block And as for my Blackheart, well, the less said the better... Guile/Amingo/Iceman That's who I forgot to put on my list... Amingo, I've been developing him and finding him a very strong character. A solid team, but will be more solid if I invest some time into Iceman, which I will do. Juggernaut/Felicia/Cable Yes, this is a very good team for Felicia, she's well covered by Cable and Juggy, which makes up for her less-than-stellar defense, and gives her a chance to capitalize on her ungodly speed and OTG game. Assume Felicia on point, Juggy as user, and Cable (Pro or AAA?) as assist. (Juggy comes out first however, so he can glitch n' switch) Felicia builds fairly well, and has good rushdown (despite a stunted dash), but her defense can cause problems. Juggy can eat through meter like a monster and can combo the headcrush off anything, which is what he should do. Again, I probably have the only Cable in the state that is not to be feared, so he'd probably fare better off screen. Tron/Cable/Blackheart The thing about this team is, when I play Tron I'll have her play either user or assist (throw), not battery. For me, this team has no charger. I could confidently put Tron on point but I'd wind up using the meter as soon as I got it, that's just the way my Tron combos work, ( \/ sk mk rh.drill xx Lunch Rush). Should anything happen to Tron I'd fold like a lawn chair. Strider/Doom/CapCom I can work the Strider/Doom trap, kinda-sorta-not-really, but slipups occur too often for me to call it reliable. I can't use Doom, but I did take time to learn the timing for the trap (in case I should pick up on him.) Trouble is, while CapCom and Strider can both hold their own against most opponents, Doom would be eaten alive, and a team of two doesn't hold, in general. Rogue/Cable/Cyke Rogue on point, ABUSE the Power Drain. I mean to the point where even the most reasonable player would call me a cheap SOB. I CAN, to some degree, use Cyclops however, so he'd probably wind up being the user, while she would be battery. Cable would once again probably be better off offscreen. These are the conclusions I reached, whether they are what you intended, I cannot say. Thank you for helping, and keep up the good work. Is there anything left unsaid? ------------------ Words of the unenlightened: "Dan, Roll, and Servbot? Are you f*ckin' insane?" Posted by Sentinels Force on 07:06:2001 03:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral there are 2: super infinite: rocketpunch xx hyper sentinel force xx c. fierce xx rocketpunch xx hyper sentinel force repeat. this infinite gets weak after the 2nd hyper sentinel force so I wouldn't recommend using it after 2. The easier way to do this is just use rocketpunch xx hyper sentinel force xx s. fierce xx hyper sentinel force xx fierce repeat. This version is EXTREMELY weak and you're better off using the first one. corner infinite: launch, jab, short, jab, short xx flight mode, throw with fierce, then short, short, dp rocketpunch, short, short, dp rocketpunch repeat. I prefer using this one cause it does GOOD damage and doesn't waste the chipping hyper sentinel force super. You can do this until the flight mode runs out. oh okay thanks alot but i already know those two Posted by AshramTI on 07:06:2001 05:29 PM: i've never played cable much, just because i really don't like the cheese factor of the AHVB, and yet i have to respect his power... especially since many of the good people I play are whores with him. so i decided to that i am gonna try him out, and yet i don't really want to do a basic cable team. here are my thoughts: megaman(aaa),cable(pro),sentinel(gro)/doom(aaa) megaman on point with sentinel or doom's assist for chipping/trapping with the fierce punches and rockballs... build meter for cable, etc... what do you think? strengths, weaknesses? i KNOW that if i get down the AHVBx3 this team will be able to rip through all the scrubs-intermediates(mindless cables, shoto teams and the like). how about problems vs. other cable teams and other top-tiers? i am a decent sentinel/doom player, and megaman is megaman also, how about a team that involves guile and cable or jill and cable (other than cable, guile and jill have been recent projects). Posted by visor2001 on 07:07:2001 12:02 AM: I just started playing MVC2 ( I know its a bit late ) I currently have Magneto and Cable in the team, but I can't figure out the third character. I hope if somebody could help me? Posted by Red Spiral on 07:07:2001 06:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Taramoor Sorry, posted my list before reading entire forum (yeah, stupid, I know), assumed from thread title that it was a character free-for-all First: Yes, I use Dan . He deals good damage, has easy-to-connect hyper combos, has high priority, guard crushes VERY well, has a moderately easy infinite, his Dankukyaku can evade BH's Inferno, he has the Otoko-michi, pisses off your opponent, HE'S DAN, and he builds Meter like a Madman. I've only seen a few characters match him in meter-building. (There's a grammar problem in there someplace...) His problems arise in his assists (which suck), his long range game, and his slightly below average defense. Making him a good character to get up close and personal with, and a pretty horrid turtle. Second: The thing about Cable... I don't hate him as a character, I have nothing against those who use him, and admire those who use him well, but I truly, absolutely, definitively, suck with Cable. I think it's in my genetic makeup. I spent almost a full week (nonstop) trying to learn even one top tier character and the only ones I even developed competence with were CapCom and Strider, I now like to think I'm fairly good with both of them. I can kinda use Blackheart, but not very well. I (personally) find Cable, Sentinel, Storm, and Doom just not suited to the way I play. I can play AGAINST them just fine, but as them... just doesn't work. And I refuse to believe that I have to master those specific characters to contend, not in a Capcom game. Third: Your recommendations: (I will try and adapt them to my playing style, tell me what you think) Colossus/Iceman/Blackheart I had experimented with this team early on. It almost worked for me; personal strategy was to have Colossus on point while Iceman beamed and BH Infernoed. Problems arose if/when Colossus got low. My Iceman was/is basically limited to three things: icebeam jab, launch, sj.magic series xx Arctic Attack block And as for my Blackheart, well, the less said the better... Guile/Amingo/Iceman That's who I forgot to put on my list... Amingo, I've been developing him and finding him a very strong character. A solid team, but will be more solid if I invest some time into Iceman, which I will do. Juggernaut/Felicia/Cable Yes, this is a very good team for Felicia, she's well covered by Cable and Juggy, which makes up for her less-than-stellar defense, and gives her a chance to capitalize on her ungodly speed and OTG game. Assume Felicia on point, Juggy as user, and Cable (Pro or AAA?) as assist. (Juggy comes out first however, so he can glitch n' switch) Felicia builds fairly well, and has good rushdown (despite a stunted dash), but her defense can cause problems. Juggy can eat through meter like a monster and can combo the headcrush off anything, which is what he should do. Again, I probably have the only Cable in the state that is not to be feared, so he'd probably fare better off screen. Tron/Cable/Blackheart The thing about this team is, when I play Tron I'll have her play either user or assist (throw), not battery. For me, this team has no charger. I could confidently put Tron on point but I'd wind up using the meter as soon as I got it, that's just the way my Tron combos work, ( \/ sk mk rh.drill xx Lunch Rush). Should anything happen to Tron I'd fold like a lawn chair. Strider/Doom/CapCom I can work the Strider/Doom trap, kinda-sorta-not-really, but slipups occur too often for me to call it reliable. I can't use Doom, but I did take time to learn the timing for the trap (in case I should pick up on him.) Trouble is, while CapCom and Strider can both hold their own against most opponents, Doom would be eaten alive, and a team of two doesn't hold, in general. Rogue/Cable/Cyke Rogue on point, ABUSE the Power Drain. I mean to the point where even the most reasonable player would call me a cheap SOB. I CAN, to some degree, use Cyclops however, so he'd probably wind up being the user, while she would be battery. Cable would once again probably be better off offscreen. These are the conclusions I reached, whether they are what you intended, I cannot say. Thank you for helping, and keep up the good work. Is there anything left unsaid? ------------------ Words of the unenlightened: "Dan, Roll, and Servbot? Are you f*ckin' insane?" nothing much just that I had a whole strategy on iceman/blackheart/colossus. you said that you use colossus on point? well if you want you can look at that team strat. basically on the other teams you took the words out of my mouth. I had a hella lota fun playing those teams right when the game came out. have fun Posted by Red Spiral on 07:07:2001 06:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by visor2001 I just started playing MVC2 ( I know its a bit late ) I currently have Magneto and Cable in the team, but I can't figure out the third character. I hope if somebody could help me? you have come to the right guy my friend. The third character is cyke! and here's my strategy for him: Magneto-alpha Cable-Alpha Cyclops-Beta use magneto on point to build supers and make damage on the opponent. All i can really say is that you have to be really fast cause if you don't have good reaction time sentinel/blackheart can tear your ass up and you wont be able to get out of most traps. Well my strategy is that i can get out of all the traps. you just need to setup the magneto combo well. cyclops beta sets up the magneto combo perfectly... that is, if you're fast enough. i can do the magnetic tempest three times in the air and do 1 magneto infinite...If you want to know it look on monkeys website. its the justin wong one, but justins mag actually can combo his hypergravs with cammy and the shockwave. well, anyways, if they call out an assist, and they're not cable, do c. short, c. fierce xx hypergrav xx magnetic tempest. the hyper grav goes toward the active player and when the assist falls down he gets nailed by the magnetic tempest. after the first tempest is done, repeat. it is extremely damaging and fun to use. if you killed their point man and their assist is still out, just keep c. fierce the assist to death.. kinda like storm... i can't tell you how to start it up.. you have to figure that out on your own. well back on the topic, magnetos airdash is very good and fast. he can escape blackheart assist with ease and can play good keep away with it too. i have my own keep away strategy just to build supers like cyclops or storm... well the reason i picked cable alpha is because of the crossup games... it can set you up for almost anything you want. tip- call cable, dash over their head, if they get hit, hit them with an air combo(i like to use the infinite air combo most, but whatever), if they block, do c. short, wait a second, stand up and throw. this throwing technique is like kara-cancelling in 3s and comes in very useful. my cable/cyclops is just like michael morses, no different. so that's some strats. for my team.... -red spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:07:2001 06:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by AshramTI i've never played cable much, just because i really don't like the cheese factor of the AHVB, and yet i have to respect his power... especially since many of the good people I play are whores with him. so i decided to that i am gonna try him out, and yet i don't really want to do a basic cable team. here are my thoughts: megaman(aaa),cable(pro),sentinel(gro)/doom(aaa) megaman on point with sentinel or doom's assist for chipping/trapping with the fierce punches and rockballs... build meter for cable, etc... what do you think? strengths, weaknesses? i KNOW that if i get down the AHVBx3 this team will be able to rip through all the scrubs-intermediates(mindless cables, shoto teams and the like). how about problems vs. other cable teams and other top-tiers? i am a decent sentinel/doom player, and megaman is megaman also, how about a team that involves guile and cable or jill and cable (other than cable, guile and jill have been recent projects). Hmmmm. Megaman isn't a bad character. like you said the one-button trap works quite well. personally I'd go with megaman/cable/sentinel. Since sentinel is going to be your primary assist you might as well make sure he doesnt die so soon. Yeah once you get the ahvbx3 EVERY scrub will die. you KNOW they're gonna call assist and then go straight at you. so punish them with the ahvb. you know scrubs'll be like how'd you do that and all.... okay back to the picture. This team is basically like spiral/cable/sentinel except spirals sword assist works better with sentinel and you dont have spiral traps. This team also has similar weaknesses as spiral/cable/blackheart. RUSHDOWN with AAA. beware and push-block often remember don't call cable as AAA. use his assist as AAA but RARELY call him. when mags or storm etc. sj., call sentinel right before they land and dash behind them. it's cheap but works VERY well. this team also has about the same strengths as spiral etc. the worst team to go up against is: Magneto/Storm/Psylocke Magneto/Cable/Cyclops or cammy Storm/Cable/Cylops or cammy I don't know about guile/cable or jill/cable though, Guile doesn't seem to get any help from cable assist, he works better with iceman. Well here's a good guile team: Guile/Cable/Cyclops Mainly use guile as battery and cable/cyclops like cable/cyclops. hmmmm... jill/cable.....Ashram, let me get back to you on this one. -Red Spiral Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:07:2001 10:50 AM: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral Basically, every team should have a good meter/point/anti-air. point/trap assist/anti-air. Most teams should either have a rushdown and or keep away tactic also There are other formulas that work, too: (1)rushdown/rushdown/anchor assist (2)any 3 characters that put together good DHC options with every character at point, 1 of which has a AAA. (3)X/Cable/Y. Where X can trap with Y assist, and Y can trap with X assist. I just thought that since this is a team-building post this would be helpful. Extra Credit: Find me a winning team that fits each of those descriptions. -DFA Posted by Taramoor on 07:07:2001 01:02 PM: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove There are other formulas that work, too: (1)rushdown/rushdown/anchor assist (2)any 3 characters that put together good DHC options with every character at point, 1 of which has a AAA. (3)X/Cable/Y. Where X can trap with Y assist, and Y can trap with X assist. I just thought that since this is a team-building post this would be helpful. Extra Credit: Find me a winning team that fits each of those descriptions. -DFA Psylocke/Cable/Doom all AAA. Psylocke's triple jump leads to some truly devastating crossing over, allowing Doom to wale on people with his rocks. She can rushdown with the best of 'em, and her shuma... um, kasuga... um, butterfly super (if it is comboed in close to the ground) can lead to either Doom's electric cage or photon array, and Cable's HVB. Cable, while he isn't very often, can be played rushdown. Nasty little combo (that my friends can get to Work But I CAN'T... @(%*$#$#) is dash in, lp,, c.rh, HVB (aim down). Which can DHC into Psylocke's butterfly or Doom's... uh... up-shooting-rocket-thing, which OTGs (it can hit my fallen Servbot, so I'm pretty sure it does). Doom would play anchor, calling out rocks at will, and can lockdown with Psylocke's assist and molecular shield if in close. Electric cage can DHC into Psylocke's butterfly (if close), and her Psi-Thrust if distant, which can DHC into Cable timeslip or HVB. Photon Array can DHC into HVB or butterfly if close. If you're fast, his rising rocket thing (I should've looked up the name before I posted this) can DHC into her Maelstrom or Butterfly super. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:07:2001 08:03 PM: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove There are other formulas that work, too: (1)rushdown/rushdown/anchor assist (2)any 3 characters that put together good DHC options with every character at point, 1 of which has a AAA. (3)X/Cable/Y. Where X can trap with Y assist, and Y can trap with X assist. I just thought that since this is a team-building post this would be helpful. Extra Credit: Find me a winning team that fits each of those descriptions. -DFA alright I got 2 teams for you: Guile/amingo/iceman-great team and very fun to play as sorry you asked the same question and now i have to copy and paste from an earlier post: Magneto-alpha/Storm-alpha/Psylocke-alpha or cyclops-beta you will have to learn storm a little, but she is a GREAT character. I use her second so you can safely tag in with her DHC into hailstorm. I prefer to use cyclops in this team but it I use psylocke for OTG fun. storms keep away/rushdown is excellent. the typhoon goes through ANYTHING...bye bye spiral and sentinel traps! viscant does the bad-ass assist killer using the snapback move...He can tell you WHEN to do this better than i can. psylocke helps mags and storm out VERY well in this team. basically you get a free hit everytime they get hit by psylocke...unless they roll. but then again they can get thrown too. her air combos are excellent for quick hit and run tactics. ive posted storm strategies earlier in this thread(sorry man) so you might want to look up there for storm. psylocke on point is MUCH better than cyke. her rushdown and her speed in the corner is soo fast! basically jump in using fierce and land using c. jab, c. jab, c. short, c. fierce xx jab psy shot or whatever its called, then dash in repeat. also remember the feet games. i play feet games alot and it can also win the game for you sometimes. when they're in range, trip with roundhousexx jabe psyshot xx butterfly super. air combo with psylocke: launch, jab, short, jab, short, up roundhouse, doublejump, jab, short xx psyblade xx butterfly super. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:07:2001 08:09 PM: Re: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by Taramoor Psylocke/Cable/Doom all AAA. Psylocke's triple jump leads to some truly devastating crossing over, allowing Doom to wale on people with his rocks. She can rushdown with the best of 'em, and her shuma... um, kasuga... um, butterfly super (if it is comboed in close to the ground) can lead to either Doom's electric cage or photon array, and Cable's HVB. Cable, while he isn't very often, can be played rushdown. Nasty little combo (that my friends can get to Work But I CAN'T... @(%*$#$#) is dash in, lp,, c.rh, HVB (aim down). Which can DHC into Psylocke's butterfly or Doom's... uh... up-shooting-rocket-thing, which OTGs (it can hit my fallen Servbot, so I'm pretty sure it does). Doom would play anchor, calling out rocks at will, and can lockdown with Psylocke's assist and molecular shield if in close. Electric cage can DHC into Psylocke's butterfly (if close), and her Psi-Thrust if distant, which can DHC into Cable timeslip or HVB. Photon Array can DHC into HVB or butterfly if close. If you're fast, his rising rocket thing (I should've looked up the name before I posted this) can DHC into her Maelstrom or Butterfly super. I wouldn't use psylocke as crossover and point. This team is lacking AAA and psylocke is out on point. calling doom and jumping over is slow; she should have an air dash but she doesnt. while you drop doom and are jumping over the guys head, they'll call anti-air and bust the shit out of doom. again this team lacks meter building. if you use psylocke on point then you have doom or cable for point. dont use cable on point cause he needs a lot of supers. that leaves doom. dooms decent at building but he can be used much better with other assists like blackheart. oh and your friends cable combo is useless. if they use s. lp, you can duck or block down and they can't do shit. and once they trip you you can roll out of the hvb. heres the best combo for cable: s. lk, s. lk, s. rk ahvb, ahvb, ahvb by this time most peeps are already dead and you have 2 more super to guard break the incoming guy. Posted by Jakuda on 07:07:2001 09:46 PM: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove There are other formulas that work, too: (1)rushdown/rushdown/anchor assist (2)any 3 characters that put together good DHC options with every character at point, 1 of which has a AAA. (3)X/Cable/Y. Where X can trap with Y assist, and Y can trap with X assist. I just thought that since this is a team-building post this would be helpful. Extra Credit: Find me a winning team that fits each of those descriptions. -DFA Hm... doom/cable/bh comes close as well as bh/cable/doom. Doom's and BH's rushdown aren't popular yet, but doable. DHC possibilities are slim but also doable, pointless with cable really. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:07:2001 10:05 PM: Re: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by Jakuda Hm... doom/cable/bh comes close as well as bh/cable/doom. Doom's and BH's rushdown aren't popular yet, but doable. DHC possibilities are slim but also doable, pointless with cable really. I'd go with michael nytes team (doom/cable/bh) rather than bh/cable/doom. doom/blackheart rushdown isn't very popular cause they dont have good AAA and get cant get rushed down easily so thats why you play keep away all day with doom/bh. Posted by CaptainCanada on 07:08:2001 12:58 AM: Doom-B/Cable-B/Sentinel-G - How's that sound? Doom-B/Storm-A/Sentinel-G - And that? Thanks! Posted by Gene Splice on 07:08:2001 05:18 AM: Something with Cable/Cyclops I need a 3rd character, help me yeah? Posted by MAoGin on 07:08:2001 07:32 AM: u can try bh/cable/cyke ..or my team .. storm/cable/cyke Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:08:2001 08:11 AM: Re: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by Jakuda Hm... doom/cable/bh comes close as well as bh/cable/doom. Doom's and BH's rushdown aren't popular yet, but doable. DHC possibilities are slim but also doable, pointless with cable really. Yeah, that team fits #3 perfectly. That team is all about alpha-countering. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:08:2001 08:32 AM: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 Here's what I had in mind for each: quote: There are other formulas that work, too: (1)rushdown/rushdown/anchor assist Mags/Storm/Psy or Sent Mags/Sent/Psy Storm/Sent/Psy or Doom quote: (2)any 3 characters that put together good DHC options with every character at point, 1 of which has a AAA. Any BH/Cyke team, except BH/Cable/Cyke Any Storm/Doom team quote: (3)X/Cable/Y. Where X can trap with Y assist, and Y can trap with X assist. BH/Cable/Doom Sent/Cable/BH Sent/Cable/Doom (I like Doom-A in this team ) BTW, Red Spiral, the order you choose your characters for this last set of teams doesn't matter except that you don't choose Cable 1st, since you can always change the order to your advantage later. For instance, with that 1st team, you want BH first against rush teams, and Doom 1st against everything else. -DFA, just back from the arcade, where Doom owned my BH for free Posted by Red Spiral on 07:08:2001 08:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by CaptainCanada Doom-B/Cable-B/Sentinel-G - How's that sound? Doom-B/Storm-A/Sentinel-G - And that? Thanks! Doom-B/Cable/Sentinel-I would replace doom with blackheart making it Blackheart-B/Sentinel-G/Cable-B Doom-B/Storm-A/Sentinel-G- needs structuring. sentinel/doom is good for trapping a cable but other than that this team is just a bunch of characters. reply if you need a team and tell me your style and a character you want to play with. -Red Spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:08:2001 08:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by MAoGin u can try bh/cable/cyke ..or my team .. storm/cable/cyke thanks for the helping Gene Splice out, it helps me out a lot man oh and BTW how did you get that cable animation in your avatar? -Red Spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:08:2001 08:50 AM: Re: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Here's what I had in mind for each: Mags/Storm/Psy or Sent Mags/Sent/Psy Storm/Sent/Psy or Doom Any BH/Cyke team, except BH/Cable/Cyke Any Storm/Doom team BH/Cable/Doom Sent/Cable/BH Sent/Cable/Doom (I like Doom-A in this team ) BTW, Red Spiral, the order you choose your characters for this last set of teams doesn't matter except that you don't choose Cable 1st, since you can always change the order to your advantage later. For instance, with that 1st team, you want BH first against rush teams, and Doom 1st against everything else. -DFA, just back from the arcade, where Doom owned my BH for free Magneto/Storm/Psylocke: this is a great team. I tried it with sentinel, you get rushed down alot also cable rapes you. i'd stick with psylocke Magneto/Sentinel/Psylocke: Magneto/Psylocke is excellent its just sentinel doesn't have any assists to compliment him that much. Storm/Sentinel/Psylocke or doom: Storm/Psylocke is good, but I prefer Cyclops more; it helps storm a lot If you go with doom it is lacking serious AAA and Storm/Doom is a decent pair-up. Sentinel/Doom is decent but Sentinel deserves Blackheart. BH/Cyclops is a very devastating team; get hit by one pair of demons and it's infinite heaven for you. I think that Bh/Cable/Cyke is a great team or maybe I misinterpreted your post. Out of the last set of teams, the first 2 are the best. The last one I wouldn't use because the team doesn't compliment each other very well. I don't know why you use Doom-alpha, but then again in that team you shouldn't use Doom anyway. I've seen Cable/Dooms but they're not all that great Yes I know DFA that you shouldn't use Cable first, not enough supers can hurt him badly And yes, you are right about the order for BH first for rushdown teams and doom everyonelse -Red Spiral Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:08:2001 10:13 AM: Re: Re: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral Magneto/Sentinel/Psylocke: Magneto/Psylocke is excellent its just sentinel doesn't have any assists to compliment him that much. Psylocke works great for Sent as long as you play rushdown Sent. You just have to commit to playing him a certain way for this team to work. Although, if you want, you can do a ghetto version of Sent/BH, using Mags capture assist, since it also tracks opponents. lol, stick w/ the rushdown. quote: Storm/Sentinel/Psylocke or doom: Storm/Psylocke is good, but I prefer Cyclops more; it helps storm a lot If you go with doom it is lacking serious AAA and Storm/Doom is a decent pair-up. Sentinel/Doom is decent but Sentinel deserves Blackheart. Good thoughts. I usually use Mags instead of Storm, but this team works the same way as the team above. Flying Sent w/ Doom assist works well against many teams. As long as you play it as a rushdown team, it works. Also, if you corner someone with Sent: stomp + Doom AAA is too good. quote: BH/Cyclops is a very devastating team; get hit by one pair of demons and it's infinite heaven for you. I think that Bh/Cable/Cyke is a great team or maybe I misinterpreted your post. Yeah, it's great. I was just saying that that was the only BH/Cyke team that wasn't based on DHCing. Otherwise, this team is all about SOB XX HOD, and Judgment Day XX MOB (and the infinite). Pick 3rds that work with those, and you're set. (Bison would be a nice choice) quote: Out of the last set of teams, the first 2 are the best. The last one I wouldn't use because the team doesn't compliment each other very well. I don't know why you use Doom-alpha, but then again in that team you shouldn't use Doom anyway. I've seen Cable/Dooms but they're not all that great Hehe...that last team is sorta my own invention ( least I discovered it for myself) Doom-A is photon shock, and covers tons of airspace, which makes it work just the same way as BH's AAA for Sent's trap game. It also recovers better. It only has problems w/ rushdown if they are able to get close, early. If they do get close later, hopefully you have meter, because this team is built on alpha-countering in Cable for the kill. (One of my favorite team strats, as you can tell) Cable has Sent on this team for makeshift AAA, and also, Cable w/ photon shock assist can be really difficult to get close to, to start with. Try this...w/ both assists: jumpback fierce + Doom-A XX Grenade, land S.FierceX4 + Sent, dash jump crossup HK, backdash, repeat from beginning, with opportunity for AHVB on any connected attack, and opportunity for guard break if they normal jump in between repetitions. Not perfect, but not bad. Hole is if they wavedash at you between repetitions, in which case Doom acts as something of a human shield for Cable. Jump back (or SJ) to protect him in that instance. Not to be done against a team w/ 4 levels and a benched Cable, either. -DFA Posted by MAoGin on 07:08:2001 02:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral thanks for the helping Gene Splice out, it helps me out a lot man oh and BTW how did you get that cable animation in your avatar? -Red Spiral iono..i went to tagmonkey and they did it for me...the guy who did it was PsychoSquall....hes cool Posted by RathThentraver on 07:08:2001 03:13 PM: Hey Red, I usually have the following team(s) in the following order(s): Ken - Anti-Air Ryu - Projectile Akuma - Expansion Got any good ideas for that team? And do you recommend changing anyone's assist type? Sometimes I use: Charlie - Anti-Air Sakura - Dash Captain America - Anti-Air, Projectile, or Dash, depending upon who's at the machine at the time. Doh... completely forgot... Iceman - Projectile assist Storm - Projectile assist Captain Commando - Anti-air Any ideas you have for that team would be great, especially since I hvae trouble keeping this one dude at my arcade offa me. He's a ridiculously insane rusher, I can usually beat him with Ken, Ryu, Akuma, but he totally destroys this team... he uses Guile, Psylocke (Anti-air), and Jill Valentine. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:08:2001 05:25 PM: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Team Maker: Mvc2 quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Psylocke works great for Sent as long as you play rushdown Sent. You just have to commit to playing him a certain way for this team to work. Although, if you want, you can do a ghetto version of Sent/BH, using Mags capture assist, since it also tracks opponents. lol, stick w/ the rushdown. Good thoughts. I usually use Mags instead of Storm, but this team works the same way as the team above. Flying Sent w/ Doom assist works well against many teams. As long as you play it as a rushdown team, it works. Also, if you corner someone with Sent: stomp + Doom AAA is too good. -DFA Rushdown Sentinel works well with any AAA, but Psylockes range is low; when you back up in flight mode while the guys chasing you it doesn't go too far.....Don't use Magneto capture assist, it comes out slow and covers small distances; and I know you can use him as bait, but then again you can use EVERY assist for bait(just making a statement not to you, though). And a good team with that is Sentinel/Doom/Blackheart: Trap fever. Its super cheap and you are absolutely 100% correct about roundhouse + doom: it drains your life and is kinda difficult to get out of if he is directly above you and moves back to dodge assist after single stomping and then repeating. -Red Spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:08:2001 05:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by MAoGin iono..i went to tagmonkey and they did it for me...the guy who did it was PsychoSquall....hes cool Alright thanks.....I'll look into it also AshramTI: I haven't found a good jill/cable team.......I play jill but mainly use Iceman assist for cover when I rush them down. Sorry man -Red Spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:08:2001 05:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by RathThentraver Hey Red, I usually have the following team(s) in the following order(s): Ken - Anti-Air Ryu - Projectile Akuma - Expansion Got any good ideas for that team? And do you recommend changing anyone's assist type? Sometimes I use: Charlie - Anti-Air Sakura - Dash Captain America - Anti-Air, Projectile, or Dash, depending upon who's at the machine at the time. Doh... completely forgot... Iceman - Projectile assist Storm - Projectile assist Captain Commando - Anti-air Any ideas you have for that team would be great, especially since I hvae trouble keeping this one dude at my arcade offa me. He's a ridiculously insane rusher, I can usually beat him with Ken, Ryu, Akuma, but he totally destroys this team... he uses Guile, Psylocke (Anti-air), and Jill Valentine. On your ken/ryu/akuma team, change to: Ryu-Anti-Air/Ken-Alpha/Akuma-Expansion The reason I moved Ken second and Ryu first is that he's more of a battery; He's not the greatest character in the world(for example: can't chip, can't trap, can't keepaway very well, can't kill assist etc.) and Ken's assist goes through EVERYTHING. I know a lot of people have said that you should use Akuma second in case ryu dies; I have, it's not as effective as you think. Akuma takes hits HORRIBLY. By this I mean guard break. Usually you will play against cable and he will guard break the incoming character. Akuma's an important part of your game; so use Ken. Ken can actually AVOID the cable guard break due to his invincible shoryuken. Block the gun shot then SHORYUKEN! Ken will uppercut in the air and the AHVB will miss! at this point I usually find a point of when to tag Akuma in such as sj. Iceman/Storm/Captain Commando I wouldn't use Iceman on this team; if you use him to build meter, get rid of Storm cause Storm is usually the main battery and she is much more powerful than Iceman. So that leaves you with Storm/CapCom. I'd fill in Cable, it'll be the PERFECT team against Guile/Psylocke/Jill other than Sentinel/Doom/Blackheart. A lot of the times I see people lose to Jill because they don't watch their feet, and the feet game is one of the most important aspects of the game. If you need strats for this particular team and the team shoto in the beginning, just ask. I don't know what you want me to do with and Charlie/Sakura/Captain America, do you need advice restructuring or anything? -Red Spiral Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 12:10 AM: Hello? come on I'm getting bored here! Posted by RathThentraver on 07:09:2001 12:18 AM: First off, let me say thanks to taking the time to read and respond to this thread; your input is very much appreciated. Oftentimes I have trouble against Cable, Doom, Sentinel teams, or Cyclops, Doom, Sentinel teams when I play my Ken, Ryu, Akuma team. Lately I've started using Ryu first, followed by Ken then Akuma. I couldn't agree more with your decision on leaving Akuma last, because frankly when you combine the fact Akuma takes increased damage and my arcade has the damage set to max (I've done *one* Ken air combo on someone's Akuma character, when he had *full* health, and it killed him... that's how high our damage is set, and I'm talking just a simple c. light kick, air launcher, follow sequence and end with fierce spin kick), I have to protect Akuma at all costs. The problem against the teams I mentioned earlier is not one of falling into traps or supers, but rather a matter of being chipped to death... I feel very confident in my ability to use the Shoryu Reppa and Shoryuken to go through most any special / super move, but it only goes so far, and again, with damage at maximum setting, it only takes one screw up to end yer character... Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 12:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by RathThentraver First off, let me say thanks to taking the time to read and respond to this thread; your input is very much appreciated. Oftentimes I have trouble against Cable, Doom, Sentinel teams, or Cyclops, Doom, Sentinel teams when I play my Ken, Ryu, Akuma team. Lately I've started using Ryu first, followed by Ken then Akuma. I couldn't agree more with your decision on leaving Akuma last, because frankly when you combine the fact Akuma takes increased damage and my arcade has the damage set to max (I've done *one* Ken air combo on someone's Akuma character, when he had *full* health, and it killed him... that's how high our damage is set, and I'm talking just a simple c. light kick, air launcher, follow sequence and end with fierce spin kick), I have to protect Akuma at all costs. The problem against the teams I mentioned earlier is not one of falling into traps or supers, but rather a matter of being chipped to death... I feel very confident in my ability to use the Shoryu Reppa and Shoryuken to go through most any special / super move, but it only goes so far, and again, with damage at maximum setting, it only takes one screw up to end yer character... Thanks for your response. A lot of times I wanted to close this thread cause I thought no one was reading it. The best way to get out of Sentinel/doom traps is to sj. toward then hurricane kick; there is walk up to the distance where if you call ken he will be in the range of taking out both sentinel and doom. remember that ken's assist is invincible; it cuts through everything like a knife. i would sj. hurricane kick over and land next to sentinel and block the feet then call ken. once you call ken rush them down; cable assist gets raped by ken. a good strategy is wait till they call assist then call ken. his uppercut does a lot of damage to assist; remember that. according to your arcade setting call ken 2 times and the assist's dead! NEVER sit there and block; always be on the move and watch your defense. on thing i learned about this game is that on mistake usually costs the game. and the sentinel super trap can be escaped by people who can duck under the rocketpunch; but sometimes they do the dp rocketpunch. once you block the c. fierce sj.! you must be REALLY fast to do this. if you sit and block the sentinel super trap by the time its over your life will be drained about 45%. if sentinels doing on ken, you're in luck cause shoryureppa out of it and hit doom out of it! remember also ken is invincible as long as you have the flame on his arm. hey if you need ANY help with mvc2 just ask! -Red Spiral(James Trieu Nguyen) Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 05:47 AM: I'm gonna help the last set of people with Mvc2 now; I've been doing this since the 26th of June and very few people seem to care about all the effort and knowledge I put into this thread. The forums are kinda getting out of hand right now.....I think this thread isn't helping anyone; so I decided to close this thread after I'm done with the next few people. -James Trieu Nguyen Posted by MAoGin on 07:09:2001 06:48 AM: aw...well u did great work with ppl teams that have asked...ive gotten a bit better ...wat u told me to do with my team..i dont get hit by bh aaa anymore =) thx a lot before u close..could u help this other team out...storm/cable/sent...ive seen ppl play this looks pretty good ps. ur cool to help us scrubs out Posted by AshramTI on 07:09:2001 01:19 PM: yeah thanks for the help... if you use iceman for cover for jill, what third member do you usually use and in what order is the team? also, couldn't you use cable's projectile for cover just like the icebeam? or does that not work? i have been playing with jill-b/cable-a/guile-a recently just for fun and because i want to practise with those characters, but the team doesn't really complement its individual members at all! oh well... arigatoo. ~jaa~ Posted by Ranchan on 07:09:2001 06:53 PM: Ah-ha! Finally found this damn thread.. hope you're still responding Red Spiral.. Ok, so.. my team is Strider Hiryu/Sentintel/Cammy.. Please bear in mind that I am a SFIII player.. and not very good at MVSC2 (though I can hold my own in MVSC1). I use Strider Hiryu because he's my best character.. I don't use Doom at all.. and although I keep hearing about this Strider/Doom trap.. I'm not very interested in learning how to play Doom. So I need help with Sentinel and Cammy.. I like Sentinel because of his speed with specials and supers, and the strength.. but I don't know how to play him like everyone else does (the concept of flying is difficult for me). Secondly, Cammy.. I would use Psylocke, but when I have to switch to Sentinel and play as him, I seem to do better with her AAA instead of Psylocke's. So there.. some strategies and tips would be much appreciated. BTW, if you need more Third Strike help, I know the characters of Yun, Yang, Ibuki, Ryu, Ken, Gouki, Chun Li, and Makoto. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 10:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by MAoGin aw...well u did great work with ppl teams that have asked...ive gotten a bit better ...wat u told me to do with my team..i dont get hit by bh aaa anymore =) thx a lot before u close..could u help this other team out...storm/cable/sent...ive seen ppl play this looks pretty good ps. ur cool to help us scrubs out Thanks man. It's good to know that you're appreciated Well anyways, Storm-alpha or gamma/Cable-beta/Sentinel-gamma Storm-alpha if you play against Sentinel, gamma is good against anyone else for the spiral/storm trap and cable/stormC This is a REALLY fun team to play, though not the best. This team has potential, though no real anti air. I would just do the basic Storm for awhile(you don't want to pull fancy Viscant snapback combos unless you've mastered it). Then for awhile play rushdown(like I said rush them down AFTER they called anti-air, then there's no real threat(unless the point man is Cable, then you got to play hit and run) the vertical typhoon while all the way on top of the screen can work well against cable; be sure to stay directly above of him(never in the range of AHVBs) This is good because a lot of people use Psylocke as anti-air and you can't knock Storm down with Psylocke when she's 50,000 feet up in the air. Any other point man it's safe to say that you can rush them down with Sentinel gamma; when rushing someone down, use lp, there's little lag. A trick with Cable assist; Call Cable then sj. so the psimitar will cover you when you jump, and you can continue to play keep-away. When you tag in Cable remember tag him in when they sj., it's strange but in this game you start to notice people (scrubs and experts alike) sj. like crazy. Or you can alpha counter into AHVB. Cable-Beta Play jump back Cable for a while; then when the time is right; when they are ground call Storm and do Cable/Storm. This trap is basically standing fierce x 4 xx Viper Beam(use fierce) but before the viper beam comes out call Storm. The viper beam will keep them trapped long enough for Storm to come out and vertical typhoon them. The typhoon lasts long; so it gives you time to recover from that horrible lag on the viper beam(other than that never use ground viper beam, the lag is horrible AND Cable's can AHVB you after the lag) then the typhoon stays on the screen long enough for you to repeat the trap. When Storm gets the typhoon on WAIT until the typhoon is almost over THEN repeat. Other than that when people sj. and try to land near Cable, right before they land call Sentinel and dash under them; the drones usually hit them and you can AHVB off the lag of the drones. Remember when fighting BH's and Sentinel's they will often call AAA THEN sj., the reason for this is that they WANT you to AHVB the assist then BH will nail you with demons then air-combo(sometimes if you have enough supers, LET BH get you in the HOD super, but make sure it's not in the corner. The reason for this is that a glitch blackheart has when he's going towards you with the screen scrolling, he can't block AHVB's! ) so don't take the bait and just call assist. It's more dangerous with Sentinel, and I don't think I need to explain that part. Sentinel-Gamma Sentinel really works well with Spiral but in a way works very well with Storm(I'd use Storm-alpha for Sentinel, and overall anyway to get out of traps) too. You know his ground combo( jumping short, roundhouse xx flight, short, roundhouse rocketpunch. this does 45% damage on normal characters like Cable!) if this is blocked it gives you good control; But Cable can AHVB you AFTER the rocketpunch, so call Storm before the rocketpunch comes out. Sentinel/Storm is VERY good against Doom/Blackheart; Not a lot of people know this, but you can corner Doom and hit him with short, then wait then hit him with short again(this is all in flight mode). Make sure you don't push short TOO early to do the upkick animation, always do the normal long reach one. Just keep flying towards him doing shorts, he can't super with the blue ball cause you can fly over it; he can't s. photon super cause the short comes out soooo fast that you can hit him with short, roundhouse xx rocketpunch. This will hit Blackheart too everytime Doom calls him out. Even if Doom push blocks, the flight mode and his short kick reach so far that he is still in stun and when he tries to sj. you can fly over and short kick him! Oh and during all of this call Storm-a all the time, it is used to keep Doom floored and takes out Blackheart. You know his 2 infinites and his Cable trap plus his air combos so I think you're all set. -James Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 10:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral Thanks man. It's good to know that you're appreciated Well anyways, Storm-alpha or gamma/Cable-beta/Sentinel-gamma Storm-alpha if you play against Sentinel, gamma is good against anyone else for the spiral/storm trap and cable/stormC This is a REALLY fun team to play, though not the best. This team has potential, though no real anti air. I would just do the basic Storm for awhile(you don't want to pull fancy Viscant snapback combos unless you've mastered it). Then for awhile play rushdown(like I said rush them down AFTER they called anti-air, then there's no real threat(unless the point man is Cable, then you got to play hit and run) the vertical typhoon while all the way on top of the screen can work well against cable; be sure to stay directly above of him(never in the range of AHVBs) This is good because a lot of people use Psylocke as anti-air and you can't knock Storm down with Psylocke when she's 50,000 feet up in the air. Any other point man it's safe to say that you can rush them down with Sentinel gamma; when rushing someone down, use lp, there's little lag. A trick with Cable assist; Call Cable then sj. so the psimitar will cover you when you jump, and you can continue to play keep-away. When you tag in Cable remember tag him in when they sj., it's strange but in this game you start to notice people (scrubs and experts alike) sj. like crazy. Or you can alpha counter into AHVB. Cable-Beta Play jump back Cable for a while; then when the time is right; when they are ground call Storm and do Cable/Storm. This trap is basically standing fierce x 4 xx Viper Beam(use fierce) but before the viper beam comes out call Storm. The viper beam will keep them trapped long enough for Storm to come out and vertical typhoon them. The typhoon lasts long; so it gives you time to recover from that horrible lag on the viper beam(other than that never use ground viper beam, the lag is horrible AND Cable's can AHVB you after the lag) then the typhoon stays on the screen long enough for you to repeat the trap. When Storm gets the typhoon on WAIT until the typhoon is almost over THEN repeat. Other than that when people sj. and try to land near Cable, right before they land call Sentinel and dash under them; the drones usually hit them and you can AHVB off the lag of the drones. Remember when fighting BH's and Sentinel's they will often call AAA THEN sj., the reason for this is that they WANT you to AHVB the assist then BH will nail you with demons then air-combo(sometimes if you have enough supers, LET BH get you in the HOD super, but make sure it's not in the corner. The reason for this is that a glitch blackheart has when he's going towards you with the screen scrolling, he can't block AHVB's! ) so don't take the bait and just call assist. It's more dangerous with Sentinel, and I don't think I need to explain that part. Sentinel-Gamma Sentinel really works well with Spiral but in a way works very well with Storm(I'd use Storm-alpha for Sentinel, and overall anyway to get out of traps) too. You know his ground combo( jumping short, roundhouse xx flight, short, roundhouse rocketpunch. this does 45% damage on normal characters like Cable!) if this is blocked it gives you good control; But Cable can AHVB you AFTER the rocketpunch, so call Storm before the rocketpunch comes out. Sentinel/Storm is VERY good against Doom/Blackheart; Not a lot of people know this, but you can corner Doom and hit him with short, then wait then hit him with short again(this is all in flight mode). Make sure you don't push short TOO early to do the upkick animation, always do the normal long reach one. Just keep flying towards him doing shorts, he can't super with the blue ball cause you can fly over it; he can't s. photon super cause the short comes out soooo fast that you can hit him with short, roundhouse xx rocketpunch. This will hit Blackheart too everytime Doom calls him out. Even if Doom push blocks, the flight mode and his short kick reach so far that he is still in stun and when he tries to sj. you can fly over and short kick him! Oh and during all of this call Storm-a all the time, it is used to keep Doom floored and takes out Blackheart. You know his 2 infinites and his Cable trap plus his air combos so I think you're all set. -James oh yeah BTW Doom's jumping fierce gun comes out too slow to counter all of this!!! Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 10:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by AshramTI yeah thanks for the help... if you use iceman for cover for jill, what third member do you usually use and in what order is the team? also, couldn't you use cable's projectile for cover just like the icebeam? or does that not work? i have been playing with jill-b/cable-a/guile-a recently just for fun and because i want to practise with those characters, but the team doesn't really complement its individual members at all! oh well... arigatoo. ~jaa~ The third member for you jill/iceman team is BH. Iceman/BH is a great pair and is VERY deadly. I wouldn't use Cable's viper beam to cover for Jill mainly because: 1. It doesn't cover enough ground 2. Comes out too slow 3. Doesn't do enough chip damage Plus he stays taunting after the assist is over and he can get punished horribly; Iceman's taunt is very quick and is hard to hit him with anything after you blocked the icebeam and you are getting rushed down. Since you have the idea with Jill(Call BH or Iceman then rushdown is a GREAT strategy, but not against Cable and wait till they call assist. Icebeam cuts through Doom's rocks any day, but doesn't go through everything like viper beam) I'll tell you Blackheart/Iceman. If you're Iceman, call BH out a lot and throw a WHOLE bunch of icebeams, to cover for BH(you can't do this against Cable). This strategy chips the HELL out of the guy and is VERY annoying. Sometimes I call BH then sj. downward icebeam against Cable(note: If Cable predicts this and he has 5 supers he'll AHVB BH to death and you can't do shit about it, but not too many Cables can do this). This strategy is kinda like Doom/Blackheart but chips more. Sometimes don't call out BH to fake them out and make them waste their AHVBS on you; it doesn't do shit to Iceman when blocked. You can sometimes just jump up and downward Icebeam Cable, he'll think after awhile that BH will pin his ass down again. But I use sometimes; never keep a pattern unless you want to get dominated. With BH you can call iceman and sj. throw roundhouse demons dash then repeat, but with Cable I'd throw them once then dash to enable block mode; but you can throw the second set after awhile. You can wait till they jump in, call Iceman then do inferno xx HOD, it does lots of chip damage and if not blocked, does GOOD damage nevertheless. DON'T do this against Cable unless he's in the corner; he'll AHVB your ass(I do sometimes because a lot of people don't know about this). Blackheart/Iceman is HELL for Magneto; when Magneto blocks Iceman assist, jump back and throw FIERCE demons, it's hard for him to even touch you. Magneto's dash is very fast so once he dashes it's hard for him to stop, he'll get hit by a couple of icebeams cause it comes out so fast and you have to block one second before icebeam comes out to enable block mode. Oh and if iceman blocks c. lk, c. hp, iceman can dash towards and do c. lk, c. hk! Magneto's lag on the c. fierce is slow enough so you can capitalize on it! not too many Magneto's know this so take advantage of this! -James Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 10:53 PM: Re: Ah-ha! quote: Originally posted by Ranchan Finally found this damn thread.. hope you're still responding Red Spiral.. Ok, so.. my team is Strider Hiryu/Sentintel/Cammy.. Please bear in mind that I am a SFIII player.. and not very good at MVSC2 (though I can hold my own in MVSC1). I use Strider Hiryu because he's my best character.. I don't use Doom at all.. and although I keep hearing about this Strider/Doom trap.. I'm not very interested in learning how to play Doom. So I need help with Sentinel and Cammy.. I like Sentinel because of his speed with specials and supers, and the strength.. but I don't know how to play him like everyone else does (the concept of flying is difficult for me). Secondly, Cammy.. I would use Psylocke, but when I have to switch to Sentinel and play as him, I seem to do better with her AAA instead of Psylocke's. So there.. some strategies and tips would be much appreciated. BTW, if you need more Third Strike help, I know the characters of Yun, Yang, Ibuki, Ryu, Ken, Gouki, Chun Li, and Makoto. Ok.....Strider's effectiveness greatly lies in Doom; if you have Doom and ouroburos you can utterly lock down Sentinel and chip him to death. I'll tell you the Strider/Doom trap. I'm sure once you hear about it you will change your mind. Basically call Doom's rocks and teleport behind the guy then rush them down. I wouldn't throw this out because you need to know WHEN to teleport. I'd start it out like call hk bird, ouroburos, then teleport behind then then call Doom and rushdown with ouros then when they are almost out of time and they are BLOCKING the ouros call Doom and teleport. This is the SAFEST way to do this, but don't randomly call out Doom cause he'll will get punished by something you will learn later on by the name of CABLE. The reason why I don't call Doom THEN bird is because they call AAA and it will go through Doom then when you teleport you're basically on your own. When they block this trap it basically chips them to death, too(blocking Doom's rocks are VERY painful). Cammy AAA is second only to ken in invincibility; she goes through EVERYTHING like ken but unlike ken once she hits something the invincibility is over. When you are getting rushed down by a Sentinel or anyone call the assist either AFTER they call it or when they're coming towards you; Sentinel has a tendency to fake you out by going towards THEN pulling back so you call assist then he'll combo your assist(note: his combos HURT). Doom/Cammy is like Doom/Blackheart; Call Cammy then sj. pink shit all the way down then repeat. This is VERY good against Cable so abuse the power. You know Cammy's double-jumps combos right? launch, sj. lp, lk, lp, lp, double-jump, lp, lk, lp, lk xx cannon drill xx quarter circle back 2punches(I don't know the name). If you do the normal jump without the double jump one, you can OTG them into the combo again; once you land dash towards and do c. lk, c. hp then combo. Basically if you want to rushdown with Doom 1-on-1 you can; use his air-dash and his lk, never use his punches; why? because he has long-ass legs like a basketball player. Best air combo is lp, lk, lp, lk, dash up towards photon array. An easier way is just lk, lk photon array(this does good damage too. his corner air infinite goes like this: launch, lp, lk, lp, lk dash towards lk, lp, hk xx flight xx out of flight, lk, lp, hk xx flight xx out of flight lk, lp, hk repeat. You have to be EXTREMELY fast to cancel the flight modes, it took me a week to master this. -James Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 10:54 PM: Re: Ah-ha! quote: Originally posted by Ranchan Finally found this damn thread.. hope you're still responding Red Spiral.. Ok, so.. my team is Strider Hiryu/Sentintel/Cammy.. Please bear in mind that I am a SFIII player.. and not very good at MVSC2 (though I can hold my own in MVSC1). I use Strider Hiryu because he's my best character.. I don't use Doom at all.. and although I keep hearing about this Strider/Doom trap.. I'm not very interested in learning how to play Doom. So I need help with Sentinel and Cammy.. I like Sentinel because of his speed with specials and supers, and the strength.. but I don't know how to play him like everyone else does (the concept of flying is difficult for me). Secondly, Cammy.. I would use Psylocke, but when I have to switch to Sentinel and play as him, I seem to do better with her AAA instead of Psylocke's. So there.. some strategies and tips would be much appreciated. BTW, if you need more Third Strike help, I know the characters of Yun, Yang, Ibuki, Ryu, Ken, Gouki, Chun Li, and Makoto. Ok.....Strider's effectiveness greatly lies in Doom; if you have Doom and ouroburos you can utterly lock down Sentinel and chip him to death. I'll tell you the Strider/Doom trap. I'm sure once you hear about it you will change your mind. Basically call Doom's rocks and teleport behind the guy then rush them down. I wouldn't throw this out because you need to know WHEN to teleport. I'd start it out like call hk bird, ouroburos, then teleport behind then then call Doom and rushdown with ouros then when they are almost out of time and they are BLOCKING the ouros call Doom and teleport. This is the SAFEST way to do this, but don't randomly call out Doom cause he'll will get punished by something you will learn later on by the name of CABLE. The reason why I don't call Doom THEN bird is because they call AAA and it will go through Doom then when you teleport you're basically on your own. When they block this trap it basically chips them to death, too(blocking Doom's rocks are VERY painful). Cammy AAA is second only to ken in invincibility; she goes through EVERYTHING like ken but unlike ken once she hits something the invincibility is over. When you are getting rushed down by a Sentinel or anyone call the assist either AFTER they call it or when they're coming towards you; Sentinel has a tendency to fake you out by going towards THEN pulling back so you call assist then he'll combo your assist(note: his combos HURT). Doom/Cammy is like Doom/Blackheart; Call Cammy then sj. pink shit all the way down then repeat. This is VERY good against Cable so abuse the power. You know Cammy's double-jumps combos right? launch, sj. lp, lk, lp, lp, double-jump, lp, lk, lp, lk xx cannon drill xx quarter circle back 2punches(I don't know the name). If you do the normal jump without the double jump one, you can OTG them into the combo again; once you land dash towards and do c. lk, c. hp then combo. Basically if you want to rushdown with Doom 1-on-1 you can; use his air-dash and his lk, never use his punches; why? because he has long-ass legs like a basketball player. Best air combo is lp, lk, lp, lk, dash up towards photon array. An easier way is just lk, lk photon array(this does good damage too. his corner air infinite goes like this: launch, lp, lk, lp, lk dash towards lk, lp, hk xx flight xx out of flight, lk, lp, hk xx flight xx out of flight lk, lp, hk repeat. You have to be EXTREMELY fast to cancel the flight modes, it took me a week to master this. -James Oh and BTW thanks for the 3s help with Yun. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 10:55 PM: Ranchan I'm going to type up the Sentinel strategy so hold on. Posted by redmang on 07:09:2001 11:03 PM: redmang I hope you're still replying to these, Red! I just found this post. At any rate, I'd like to use a team of Strider/Cable/Dr. Doom or another team with 2 of those characters and Ken. I noticed that you posted some stuff about Dr. Doom in an earlier reply, so you can just refer me to that if you are really lazy Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 11:23 PM: Re: Ah-ha! quote: Originally posted by Ranchan Finally found this damn thread.. hope you're still responding Red Spiral.. Ok, so.. my team is Strider Hiryu/Sentintel/Cammy.. Please bear in mind that I am a SFIII player.. and not very good at MVSC2 (though I can hold my own in MVSC1). I use Strider Hiryu because he's my best character.. I don't use Doom at all.. and although I keep hearing about this Strider/Doom trap.. I'm not very interested in learning how to play Doom. So I need help with Sentinel and Cammy.. I like Sentinel because of his speed with specials and supers, and the strength.. but I don't know how to play him like everyone else does (the concept of flying is difficult for me). Secondly, Cammy.. I would use Psylocke, but when I have to switch to Sentinel and play as him, I seem to do better with her AAA instead of Psylocke's. So there.. some strategies and tips would be much appreciated. BTW, if you need more Third Strike help, I know the characters of Yun, Yang, Ibuki, Ryu, Ken, Gouki, Chun Li, and Makoto. For your first team I'll advise you to use: Strider-beta/Doom-beta/Cammy-alpha Second team: Blackheart-Beta/Sentinel-Gamma/Cammy-Alpha Blackheart is used for building supers for Sentinel; his sj. HK demons is great and can be done twice by dashing then Hk again, but watch out for Cable after the first HK demons, you can't block, to enable blocking dash. you can throw another set but after that you can't block either. On the ground call Cammy for bait; don't worry she's invincible until she hits something. Then sj. throw HK demons the way I directed above. The destroys Magneto's, along with call Cammy, then jump back and throw fierce demons. When someone's in the sky running away you can do inferno xx Heart of Darkness to do GOOD damage(remember to mash blocked or not blocked, it chips like a bitch) don't do this to a "good" Cable, he'll AHVB you 50 times after that(5 times at most). Once you've had enough of Blackheart, call Sentinel in; either when they sj. or when they throw fireballs(when cable jumps up and shoots his gun then viper beams, its good to get hit by that because the gun plus viper beam does about 2% on Sentinel if not blocked. It is MUCH better to get hit by this than 5 AHVBS that will kill you. A lot of Cable don't expect this to happen so you can spare 2% of you life on that. (Note: when Sentinel tags in, he's in the AIR. Then animation shows him on the ground so you can only hit him once; I'd use a launcher) Sentinel's rushdown is good; his ground combo( jumping short, roundhouse xx flight, short, roundhouse rocketpunch. this does 45% damage on normal characters like Cable!) if this is blocked it gives you good control; But Cable can AHVB you AFTER the rocketpunch, so call Cammy before the rocketpunch comes out. You can play mind games like fly, short, roundhouse, short, roundhouse xx flight land, do c. lk, s. lp, lp xx rocketpunch, infinite: Infinite #1 Rocketpunch xx HSF, c. HP xx rocketpunch xx HSF, c. HP xx rocketpunch repeat. I'd stop this AFTER the second HSF(it gets weak after that). This can be used to chip Cable, and during all of this you can call BH. Infinite#2 corner, launch, lp, lk ,lp, lk xx flight then throw with fierce, lk, lk xx dp rocketpunch, lk, lk xx dp rocketpunch, lk, lk xx dp rocketpunch repeat. You can do this as long as flight mode lasts. When in flight mode, you can fly up/back and call BH, then fly over and stomp on them with roundhouse(if this lands do jab rocketpunch to combo for about 30% life!) then fly back repeat. If a quick Magneto or Storm sj. and dash towards you fly over and hit them with the pan(fierce) this "pan" counter A LOT of thing so use it for yur advantage. When Cable misses an AHVB fly over or under(depending on where he is) and do lk, lk xx dp rocketpunch(this does GOOD damage too). When fighting Cable, ALWAYS(if in flight mode) fly directly above him; he will want to sj. and AHVB you so step on him here and there. Calling out Cammy then sj. like BH is good too; if they hit Cammy when she lands(they can't hit her as she goes up) with an AHVB combo Cable into HSF infinite or air combo or whatever you like. His strongest air-combo is : launch sj. lp, lk, lk, xx dp rocketpunch(this is stronger than lp, lk, lp, lk xx hp rocketpunch) Note: also when you're flying directly above Cable, I like to throw Cable(it's VERY hard to throw with Sentinel) then step on him with the hk. this IS a combo and does GOOD damage good assist combos: jumping lk, hk call Cammy jumping lk, hk call BH then fly up and hit them with the pan -James Posted by Ranchan on 07:09:2001 11:30 PM: Thanks. Thanks a lot! I have a lot of new stuff to try now.. although I'm so spastic when it comes to doing something while throwing out assists.. it's going to take awhile. Thanks though, hope you get to retire this thread soon before your fingers start bleeding from typing. Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 11:39 PM: Re: redmang quote: Originally posted by redmang I hope you're still replying to these, Red! I just found this post. At any rate, I'd like to use a team of Strider/Cable/Dr. Doom or another team with 2 of those characters and Ken. I noticed that you posted some stuff about Dr. Doom in an earlier reply, so you can just refer me to that if you are really lazy Use Strider/Doom like Strider/Doom. I fight with Strider until he dies, he builds power for Doom and takes out most people anyway. With Cable jump back and shoot fierce xx viperbeam or hk grenade(hold down hk). When you do the jumping fierce call Doom; the fierce is supposed to stop them from jumping and Doom will drain their life. Dr. Doom is on his own since this team really has no assist to compliment him(except the fact yu can call Cable-beta once in a while but RARELY). The team you requested: Strider/Doom/Ken Ken's anti-air is invincible as long as he has the flame on his arm, so when you get rushed down call ken. Call ouroburos as many times as you can; the Strider/Doom trap along with Ouros is deadly. Once Strider dies play Doom/Ken like Doom/Blackheart; call ken then sj. pink shit the way down, land, call ken, sj. repeat. -James Posted by Red Spiral on 07:09:2001 11:47 PM: Later guys..... I had a lot of fun helping you guys out with Mvc2, A lot of people say it's a cheap game, but there is always a way to get out of something; and in this game it's full of traps. I hope I helped some of you guys. As you can see I put lots of effort into this thread..... DeathFromAbove, MaoGin, AshramTI, Ranchan, etc., I hope you guys turn into Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Masters, and it was tight helping you out and all. Take care and beware of Cable! Inkblot, will you please close this thread? -James Trieu Nguyen Posted by redmang on 07:10:2001 12:00 AM: Thanks a lot, Red. I will now begin my quest to achieve the status of professional butt-kicker Posted by AshramTI on 07:10:2001 03:18 AM: thanks... ~jaa~ Posted by CaptainCanada on 07:10:2001 04:40 AM: Whoops, I got back on this thread too late to ask for more help. Hey, you never answered Doom/Cable/Sent! Or...did you? I'll have to check. While Doom/Storm/Sent got a well deserved "Eh," your response to Storm/Cable/Sent helped me out a lot, actually. That's my second best team! Thanks. EDIT: Oh yeah, you did. I've been considering trying BH, but the last time I tried him on point, he got eaten for dessert. Hey, cool realization. A character who gets killed early is Breakfast, a mid killed on is Lunch, the last one is Dinner/Dessert. HAHE. Stupid late night realizations. Posted by visor2001 on 07:12:2001 10:24 AM: Do you think the team Ruby Heart(aaa)/Cable(projectile)/Cyke(aaa) is okay?? All times are GMT. The time now is 11:30 PM. 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